May 1999 – Current
Founding Director of the Kolbe Foundation Drafted bylaws, articles of incorporation and governing policies. Oversee educational program development and implementation, curriculum planning and assessment, compliance, fund raising, studio production, and periodical/book publishing.
Produced and Edited the Greatest Books Program for Educational TV Developed, edited, and produced higher education programs in the liberal arts and humanities for educational television, Time Warner channel 55 in Laredo, Texas and AT&T channel 19 in Corpus Christi, Laredo, and throughout South Texas.
Developed Greatest Books Liberal Arts Courses/Curriculum for Online Education (
December 2015 – Current
Publisher and Editor New Era World News and Global Intelligence Oversee, develop, publish and edit Daily World News and Global Intelligence Reports for online news and intelligence service.
August 2004 – May 2007
Chancellor of Education, The Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity 2004-2007
President, Our Lady of Corpus Christi
April 2001 – 2004
Vice Chancellor of Education for the Society of Our Lady
May 2002 – May 2003
Founding Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the new Diocese of Laredo, Laredo Texas
June 2000 – June 2003
Member of the Board of Fellows and Trusteesfor Our Lady of Corpus Christi College
Responsible with Board for approval of annual budget, amendment of By-laws and Articles of Incorporation, policy formation, academic review and other duties associated with oversight, review, and approval of all major components involved with the governance of OLCC.
August 2000 – June 2003
Academic Dean, Our Lady of Corpus Christi (OLCC) Directed, coordinated, and planned for licensure from the State of Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to operate as a college within the State of Texas. Other duties included Educational and Curriculum Planning and Development, Academic Budgeting, Drafting Faculty and Student Handbooks, Drafting of Educational Policies, Drafting Faculty Contract Templates, Faculty Assessment, Articulation, Academic Counseling, Faculty Records, Student Records, Institutional Effectiveness, and the development and implementation of annual Academic Quality Enhancement Plans (QEPs).
June 2002 – June 2008
Appointed Member of the OLCC Board of Fellows and Board of Directors Mission Review and Institutional Goal Setting, Governance by Policy Formation and ongoing Policy Review, Policy Amendment, and Policy Approval. Other work included Curriculum Review and Approval; Budget Review and Approval; Strategic Planning; Major Construction; Appointment of Chief Executive Officer and Fund Raising.
Chairperson Committee for Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Planning Developed Institutional Effectiveness Instruments and facilitated development of broad institutional Quality Enhancement Plans. Also combined all aspect of institutional planning (operations, academics, administration, finance, and support services) into one integral Strategic Plan. Other work included the development of Instruments for Board Self Assessment, Development of Employment Matrices to guide the hiring/appointment of Chief Academic Officer, Chief Executive Officer, and administrative employees.
August 2002
Chairperson OLCC Board of Directors Committee for Licensure and Accreditation Oversaw development and implementation of plan to meet licensure requirements set by Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) and of accreditation standards set by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).
June 2001
Appointed Advisor to the OLCC Board of Directors Appointed by Board Chair as advisor in all areas of Licensure and Accreditation, Institutional Effectiveness, and Strategic Planning. In this position I also Drafted the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, Obtained 501 (c)(3) Corporate Status, Drafted Contract Templates, and was designated Board Liaison to the Corporate Attorney.
(1994) Ed.D Educational Administration
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
Graduate Research Assistant to Dr. James Wattenbarger, "Architect of the Florida Community College System”– University of Florida Institute of Higher Education
Dissertation: “A Community College for Poland’s Future” (ERIC Clearinghouse)
(1992) Diploma
Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
Polish Language and Culture (Solidarity, Church, and State) Demographic Research for Community College Development in Poland
(1990) M.A. T. Political Science
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
Kosciuszko Foundation Graduate Fellow
Thesis: “Democracy, Education, and Virtue”
(1979) B.A. Sociology
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana (with Honors)
President Notre Dame Sociology Club
Executive Officer Notre Dame Psychology Club
Alpha Kappa Delta Sociology National Honor Society
Undergraduate Research Assistant: Social Science Research and Training Laboratory
(1977) A.A.
County College of Morris, Randolph, New Jersey (with Highest Honors)
Student Senator
Scholar Athlete
Professor, Political Science, College of St. Thomas More Online Program Courses Taught:
Politics & Christian Civilization I and II
Professor, Political Science, Kolbe’s Greatest Books Online Program Courses Taught:
Politics and World Civilization Syllabus:www.
Methodology (Philosophy, Science, and Religion)
Integral Psychology Syllabus:
Trinitarian Humanism (Philosophical Anthropology) Syllabus:
Ethics (The Study of Human Potential) Syllabus:
Politics (The Best Regime-the Nature and Purpose of Government) Syllabus
Jewish Law Ceremonial, Judicial, and Moral Precepts (Temple, Economy, Family, and Politics)
Associate Professor, Our Lady of Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, Texas: American Government, Political Theory and Social Ethics
Assistant Professor, Our Lady of Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, Texas: American Government, Political Theory and Social Ethics
Adjunct Instructor, Political Science, Durham Community College, Durham, North Carolina: State and Local Government and American Government
Adjunct Instructor, Political Science University of North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina: American Government and Political Theory
Adjunct Instructor, Political Science Alamance Community College, Graham, North Carolina: American Government and Political Theory
Adjunct Instructor, Political Science, Piedmont Community College, Roxboro, North Carolina: American National Government and Political Theory
Adjunct Instructor Political Science, Campbell University, Raleigh, North Carolina: Political Science and American Government
Visiting Professor of Pedagogy, Marie Curie Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland
High School Social Studies and English Teacher, Catholic Academy High School Farmington, New Mexico: United States History, economics, geography
Middle School Social Studies and English Teacher, Cathedral Parish School St. Augustine, Florida: United States History, English
Middle School Social Studies and English Teacher, Catholic Academy Farmington, New Mexico: Texas History, English
Grammar, geography
Elementary School Teacher/Coach, St Patrick’s School Gainesville, Florida: (1981 - 1983)
Superintendent’s District Management Team, Tuloso Midway ISD, Corpus Christi, Texas
Principal's Site Based Management Team, Tuloso Midway High School, Corpus Christi, Texas Bishop’s Appointee for Incarnate Word High School Curriculum Review Committee, Corpus Christi, Texas Chairperson or Member of the following school boards:
Our Lady of Corpus Christi Board of Directors; Corpus Christi, Texas
Our Lady of Corpus Christi Board of Fellows, Corpus Christi, Texas
Our Lady’s Montessori School in Kansas City, Missouri
St. Augustine High School, Laredo, Texas
Mary Help of Christians School, Laredo, Texas
St. Peter’s Memorial School, Laredo, Texas
Blessed Sacrament School, Laredo, Texas
Our Lady of Refuge School, Eagle Pass, Texas
Producer and Director of The World’s Greatest Books Educational Program on the World Wide Web and educational television in South Texas
Post Doctoral Fellow: Educational research and support from the Kosciuszko Foundation and Polish Ministry of Education to study feasibility of establishing community college in Poland
Founder of the Kolbe Foundation and loeft for Politics and Christian Civilization
Marzak, D. J. (2016) American Foundations Intelligence Reports New Era News, Lubbock, Texas
Marzak, D. J. (2013) Trinitarian Humanism: Politics and Social Renewal, World Apostolate of Fatima, National Executive Board of Trustees, Goa, India
Marzak, D. J. (2012) Integral Methodology for Modern Social Science The Kolbe Foundation, Lubbock, Texas
Marzak, D. J. (1998) Humanistic Principles of Education Relevant to Higher Education Reformation in Poland. Marie Curie Sklodowska University Press, Lublin, Poland
Marzak, D. J. (1998).A Community College for Poland's Future. Eric Clearinghouse for Community Colleges at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
Marzak, D. J. (1996) "Applying the Florida Plan for Community Colleges to Poland." Vision's Community College Journal. The Florida Association of Community Colleges: Gainesville, FL. 1, (2), 46-50
Publications in Process
Marzak, D. J. (2016) Fatima, End-times and the Rapture Hoax
Marzak, D. J. "Educational Television The Greatest Books of World Civilization Series," AT&T cable channel, 19, Corpus Christi, Laredo and South Texas (2001-2004).
Marzak, D. J. "The Greatest Books in Political Philosophy I", AT &T educational channel 19 (fall and spring semesters Corpus Christi, Laredo and South Texas 2000/2001).
Marzak, D. J. "The Greatest Books in Political Philosophy II", AT & T educational channel 19 (spring semester 2001)
Marzak, D. J. “The Greatest Books Program in History, Politics, and Law”
Archived Educational Television (AT & T and Time Warner in South Texas Fall 2001 - Fall 2004). Online at
Marzak, D. J. "Greek Political Thought I"
Marzak, D. J. "Greek Political Thought; Purposes and Functions of Government"
Marzak, D. J. "Greek Political Thought; The Best Regime”
Marzak, D. J. "Jewish Political Thought I; The Moral Precepts"
Marzak, D. J. "Jewish Political Thought II; The Ceremonial Precepts"
Marzak, D. J. "Jewish Political Thought III; The Ceremonial Precepts"
Marzak, D. J. "Jewish Political Thought IV; The Judicial Precepts"
Marzak, D. J. "Jewish Political Thought V; The Judicial Precepts"
Marzak, D. J. "Jewish Political Thought VI; The Judicial Precepts"
Marzak, D. J. "Jewish Political Thought VII; The Best Regime"
Marzak, D. J. "Politics and Medieval Europe" Marzak, D. J. "Plenitudo Potestatis; Aquinas”
Marzak, D. J. "Solidarism, Personalism and Medieval Guild I"
Marzak, D. J. "Solidarism, Personalism and Medieval Guild II"
Marzak, D. J. "Solidarism, Personalism and Medieval Guild III"
Marzak, D. J. "Dissolution of Medieval Synthesis: Luther and Calvin"
Marzak, D. J. "Dissolution of Medieval Synthesis: Machiavelli"
Marzak, D. J. "Dissolution of Medieval Synthesis: Contract Theory, Hobbes" |