Chapter I
Introductory | Chapter II Elementary
Rules of Usage
Chapter III Elementary Principles of Composition
| Chapter IV A Few
Matters of Form
Chapter V Words and Expressions Commonly Misused
| Chapter VI Words Often Misspelled
V. WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS COMMONLY MISUSED (Many of the words and expressions here listed are not so much bad English as bad style, the commonplaces of careless writing. As illustrated under Feature, the proper correction is likely to be not the replacement of one word or set of words by another, but the replacement of vague generality by definite statement.) All right. Idiomatic in familiar speech as a detached phrase in the sense, "Agreed," or "Go ahead." In other uses better avoided. Always written as two words. As good or better than. Expressions of this type should be corrected by rearranging the sentence.
As to whether. Whether is sufficient; see under Rule 13. Bid. Takes the infinitive without to. The past tense is bade. Case. The Concise Oxford Dictionary begins its definition of this word: "instance of a thing's occurring; usual state of affairs." In these two senses, the word is usually unnecessary.
See Wood, Suggestions to Authors, pp. 68-71, and Quiller-Couch, The Art of Writing, pp. 103-106. Certainly. Used indiscriminately by some speakers, much as others use very, to intensify any and every statement. A mannerism of this kind, bad in speech, is even worse in writing. Character. Often simply redundant, used from a mere habit of wordiness.
Claim, vb. With object-noun, means lay claim to. May be used with a dependent clause if this sense is clearly involved:
(But even here, "claimed to be" would be better.) Not to be used as a substitute for declare, maintain, or charge. Compare. To compare to is to point out or imply resemblances, between objects regarded as essentially of different order; to compare with is mainly to point out differences, between objects regarded as essentially of the same order.
Clever. This word has been greatly overused; it is best restricted to ingenuity displayed in small matters. Consider:
Dependable. A needless substitute for reliable, trustworthy. Due to:
Effect. As noun, means result; as verb, means to bring about, accomplish (not to be confused with affect, which means "to influence"). As noun, often loosely used in perfunctory writing about fashions, music, painting, and other arts: "an Oriental effect;" "effects in pale green;" "very delicate effects;" "broad effects;" "subtle effects;" "a charming effect was produced by." The writer who has a definite meaning to express will not take refuge in such vagueness. Etc. Not to be used of persons. Equivalent to and the rest, and so forth, and hence not to be used if one of these would be insufficient, that is, if the reader would be left in doubt as to any important particulars. Least open to objection when it represents the last terms of a list already given in full, or immaterial words at the end of a quotation. At the end of a list introduced by such as, for example, or any similar expression, etc. is incorrect. Fact. Use this word only of matters of a kind capable of direct verification, not of matters of judgment. That a particular event happened on a given date, that lead melts at a certain temperature, are facts. But such conclusions as that Napoleon was the greatest of modern generals, or that the climate of California is delightful, however incontestable they may be, are not properly facts. On the formula the fact that, see under Rule 13. Factor. A hackneyed word; the expressions of which it forms part can usually be replaced by something more direct and idiomatic.
Feature. Another hackneyed word; like factor it usually adds nothing to the sentence in which it occurs.
As a verb, in the advertising sense of offer as a special attraction, to be avoided. Fix. Colloquial in America for arrange, prepare, mend. In writing restrict it to its literary senses, fasten, make firm or immovable, etc. He is a man who. A common type of redundant expression; see Rule 13.
However. In the meaning nevertheless, not to come first in its sentence or clause.
When however comes first, it means in whatever way or to whatever extent.
Kind of. Not to be used as a substitute for rather (before adjectives and verbs), or except in familiar style, for something like (before nouns). Restrict it to its literal sense: "Amber is a kind of fossil resin;" "I dislike that kind of notoriety." The same holds true of sort of. Less. Should not be misused for fewer.
Less refers to quantity, fewer to number.
It is, however, correct to say,
is something like a collective noun, and less is thought of as meaning a less quantity or amount. Line, along these lines. Line in the sense of course of procedure, conduct, thought, is allowable, but has been so much overworked, particularly in the phrase along these lines, that a writer who aims at freshness or originality had better discard it entirely.
Literal, literally. Often incorrectly used in support of exaggeration or violent metaphor.
Lose out. Meant to be more emphatic than lose, but actually less so, because of its commonness. The same holds true of try out, win out, sign up, register up. With a number of verbs, out and up form idiomatic combinations: find out, run out, turn out, cheer up, dry up, make up, and others, each distinguishable in meaning from the simple verb. Lose out is not. Most. Not to be used for almost.
Nature. Often simply redundant, used like character.
Often vaguely used in such expressions as "a lover of nature;" "poems about nature." Unless more specific statements follow, the reader cannot tell whether the poems have to do with natural scenery, rural life, the sunset, the untracked wilderness, or the habits of squirrels. Near by. Adverbial phrase, not yet fully accepted as good English, though the
analogy of close by and hard by seems to justify it. Near, or near at hand, is
as good, if not better. Oftentimes, ofttimes. Archaic forms, no longer in good use. The modern word is often. One hundred and one. Retain the and in this and similar expressions, in accordance with the unvarying usage of English prose from Old English times. One of the most. Avoid beginning essays or paragraphs with this formula, as,
There is nothing wrong in this; it is simply threadbare and forcible-feeble. People. The people is a political term, not to be confused with the public.
From the people comes political support or opposition; from the public comes
artistic appreciation or commercial patronage.
Phase. Means a stage of transition or development: "the phases of the moon;" "the last phase." Not to be used for aspect or topic.
Possess. Not to be used as a mere substitute for have or own.
Respective, respectively. These words may usually be omitted with advantage. Works of fiction are listed under the names of their respective authors. Works of fiction are listed under the names of their authors.
In some kinds of formal writing, as in geometrical proofs, it may be necessary to use respectively, but it should not appear in writing on ordinary subjects. So. Avoid, in writing, the use of so as an intensifier: "so good;"
"so warm;" "so delightful." Sort of. See under Kind of. State. Not to be used as a mere substitute for say, remark. Restrict it to the sense of express fully or clearly, as,
Student body. A needless and awkward expression, meaning no more than the simple word students.
System. Frequently used without need.
Thanking you in advance. This sounds as if the writer meant, "It will not be worth my while to write to you again." Simply write, "Thanking you," and if the favor which you have requested is granted, write a letter of acknowledgment. They. A common inaccuracy is the use of the plural pronoun when the antecedent is a distributive expression such as each, each one, everybody, every one, many a man, which, though implying more than one person, requires the pronoun to be in the singular. Similar to this, but with even less justification, is the use of the plural pronoun with the antecedent anybody, any one, somebody, some one, the intention being either to avoid the awkward "he or she," or to avoid committing oneself to either. Some bashful speakers even say,
Use he with all the above words, unless the antecedent is or must be feminine. Very. Use this word sparingly. Where emphasis is necessary, use words strong in themselves. Viewpoint. Write point of view, but do not misuse this, as many do, for view or opinion. While. Avoid the indiscriminate use of this word for and, but, and although. Many writers use it frequently as a substitute for and or but, either from a mere desire to vary the connective, or from uncertainty which of the two connectives is the more appropriate. In this use it is best replaced by a semicolon.
Its use as a virtual equivalent of although is allowable in sentences where this leads to no ambiguity or absurdity.
This is entirely correct, as shown by the paraphrase,
The paraphrase,
shows why the use of while is incorrect. In general, the writer will do well to use while only with strict literalness, in the sense of during the time that. Whom. Often incorrectly used for who before he said or similar expressions, when it is really the subject of a following verb.
Worth while. Overworked as a term of vague approval and (with not) of disapproval. Strictly applicable only to actions: "Is it worth while to telegraph?"
The use of worth while before a noun ("a worth while story") is indefensible. Would. A conditional statement in the first person requires should, not would.
The equivalent of shall in indirect quotation after a verb in the past tense is should, not would.
To express habitual or repeated action, the past tense, without would, is usually sufficient, and from its brevity, more emphatic.