Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Prologue | Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII
A large caidron hangs over the fire on a low hearth; various figures appear in the vapour rising from it. A FEMALE MONKEY sits beside the caidron to skim it, and watch that it does not boil over. The MALE MONKEY with the young ones is seated near, warming himself. The walls and ceiling are adorned with the strangest articles of witch-furniture.
2 This senseless, juggling witchcraft I detest! Dost promise that in this foul nest Of madness, I shall be restored? Must I seek counsel from an ancient dame? And can she, by these rites abhorred, Take thirty winters from my frame? Woe's me, if thou naught better canst suggest I Hope has already fled my breast. Has neither nature nor a noble mind A balsam yet devis'd of any kind?
3 My friend, you now speak sensibly. In truth, Nature a method giveth to renew thy youth: But in another book the lesson's writ;-- It forms a curious chapter, I admit.
4 I fain would know it.
5 Good! A remedy Without physician, gold, or sorcery: Away forthwith, and to the fields repair, Begin to delve, to cultivate the ground, Thy senses and thyself confine Within the very narrowest round, Support thyself upon the simplest fare, Live like a very brute the brutes among, Neither esteem it robbery The acre thou dost reap, thyself to dung; This is the best method, credit me, Again at eighty to grow hale and young.
6 I am not used to it, nor can myself degrade So far, as in my hand to take the spade. This narrow life would suit me not at all.
7 Then we the witch must summon after all.
8 Will none but this old beldame do? Canst not thyself the potion brew?
9 A pretty play our leisure to beguile! A thousand bridges I could build meanwhile. Not science only and consummate art, Patience must also bear her part. A quiet spirit worketh whole years long; Time only makes the subtle ferment strong. And all things that belong thereto, Are wondrous and exceeding rare! The devil taught her, it is true; But yet the draught the devil can't prepare. (Perceiving the beasts.) Look yonder, what a dainty pair! Here is the maid! the knave is there! (To the beasts) It seems your dame is not at home?
10 Gone to carouse, Out of the house, Thro' the chimney and away!
11 How long is it her wont to roam?
12 While we can warm our paws she'll stay.
(to FAUST)
13 What think you of the charming creature?
14 I loathe alike their form and features!
15 Nay, such discourse, b‡ it confessed, Is just the thing that pleases me the beSt.
(To the MONKEYS)
16 Tell me, ye wIleips, accursed crew! What Stir ye in the broth about?
17 Coarse beggar's gruel here we stew.
18 Of customers you'll have a rout.
(approaching and fawning on MEPHISTOPHELES)
19 Quick! quick! throw the dice, Make me rich in a trice, Oh give me the prize! Alas, for myself! Had I plenty of pelf, I then should be wise.
20 How blest the ape would think himself, if he Could only put into the lottery!
(In the meantime the young MONKEYS have been playing with a large globe, which they roll forwards)
21 THE HE-MONKEY The world behold; Unceasingly roll'd, It riseth and falleth ever; It ringeth like glass! How brittle, alas! 'Tis hollow, and resteth never. How bright the sphere, Still brighter here! Now living am I! Dear son, beware! Nor venture there! Thou too must die! It is of clay; 'Twill crumble away; There fragnients lie.
22 Of what use is the sieve?
(taking it dozen)
23 The sieve would show, If thou wert a thief or no? (He runs to the SHE-MONKEY, and makes her look through it.) Look through the sieve! Dost know him the thief, And dar'st thou not call him so?
(approaching the fire)
24 And then this pot?
25 The half-witted sot! He knows not the pot! He knows not the kettle!
26 Unmannerly beast! Be civil at least!
27 Take the whisk and sit down in the settle! (He makes MEPHISTOPHELES sit down.)
(who all this time has been standing before a looking-glass, now approaching, and now retiring from it)
28 What do I see? what form, whose charms transcend The loveliness of earth, is mirror'd here! O Love, to waft me to her sphere, To me the swiftest of thy pinions lend! Alas! If I remain not rooted to this place, If to approach more near I'm fondly lur'd, Her image fades, in veiling mist obscur'd Model of beauty both in form and face! Is't possible? Hath woman charms so rare? In this recumbent form, supremely fair, The essence must I see of heavenly grace? Can aught so exquisite on earth be found?
30 The six days' labour of a god, my friend, Who doth himself cry bravo, at the end, By something clever doubtless should be crown'd. For this time gaze your fill, and when you please Junt such a prize for you I can provide; How blest is he to whom kind fate decrees, To take her to his home, a lovely bride!
(FAUST continues to gaze into the mirror. MEPHISTOPHELES stretching himself on the settle and playing with the whisk, continues to speak.)
31 Here sit I, like a king upon his throne; My sceptre this; the crown I want alone.
(who have hitherto been making all sorts of strange gestures, bring MEPHISTOPHELES a crown, with loud cries)
32 Oh, be so good, With Sweat and with blood The crown to lime!
(They handle the crown awkwardly and break it in two pieces, with which they skip about.)
33 'Twas fate's decree! We speak and see! We hear and rhyme.
(before the mirror)
34 Woe's me! well-nigh distraught I feel!
(pointing to the beasts)
35 And even my own head almost begins to reel.
36 If good luck attend, If fitly things blend, Our jargon with thought And with reason is fraught!
(as above)
37 A flame is kindled in my breast! Let us begone! nor linger here!
(in the same position)
38 It now at least must be confessed, That poets sometimes are sincere.
(begins to boil over; a great flame arises, which streams up the chimney. The WITCH comes down the chimney with horrible cries.)
39 Ough! ough! ough! ough! Accursed brute! accursed SOW! The caidron dost neglect, for shame! Accursed brute to scorch the dame!
40 Whom have we here? Who's sneaking here? Whence are ye come? With what desire? The plague of fire Your bones consume!
41 (She dips the skimming-ladle into the caidron and throws flames at FAUST, MEPHISTOPHELES, and the MONKEYS. The MONKEYS whimper.)
(twirling the whisk whsch he holds in his hand, and striking among the glasses and pots)
42 Dash! Smash! There lies the glass! There lies the slime! 'Tis but a jest; I but keep time, Thou hellish pest, To thine own chime!
(While the WITCH steps back in rage aind astonishment.)
43 Dost know me! Skeleton! Vile scarecrow, thou! Thy lord and master dost thou know? What holds me, that I deal not now Thee and thine apes a stunning blow ? No more respect to my red vest dost pay? Does my cock's feather no allegiance claim? Have I my visage masked to-day? Must I be forced myself to name?
44 Master, forgive this rude salute! But I perceive no cloven foot. And your two ravens, where are they?
45 This once I must admit your plea ;-- For truly I must own that we Each other have not seen for many a day. The culture, too, that shapes the world, at last Hath e'en the devil in its sphere embraced; The northern phantom from the scene hath pass'd, Tail, talons, horns, are nowhere to be traced! As for the foot, with which I can't dispense, 'Twould injure me in company, and hence, Like many a youthful cavalier, False calves I now have worn for many a year.
46 I am beside myself with joy, To see once more the gallant Satan here ! MEPHISTOPHELES
47 Woman, no more that name employ!
48 But why? what mischief hath it done?
49 To fable-books it now doth appertain; But people from the change have nothing won. Rid of the evil one, the evil ones remain. Lord Baron call thou me, so is the matter good; Of other cavaliers the mien I wear. Dost make no question of my gentle blood; See here, this is the scutcheon that I bear! (He makes an unseemly gesture.)
(laughing immoderately)
50 Ha! Ha Just like yourself! You are, I ween, The same mad wag that you have ever been!
(to FAUST)
51 My friend, learn this to understand, I pray! To deal with witches this is still the way.
52 Now tell me, gentlemen, what you desire?
53 Of your known juice a goblet we require. But for the very oldest let me ask; Double its strength with years doth grow.
54 Most willingly! And here I have a flask, From which I've sipp'd myself ere now; What's more, it doth no longer stink; To you a glass I joyfully will give. (Aside.)
55 If unprepar'd, however, this man drink, He hath not, as you know, an hour to live.
56 He's my good friend, with whom 'twill prosper well; I grudge him not the choicest of thy store. Now draw thy circle, speak thy spell, And straight a bumper for him pour!
(The WITCH, with extraordinary gestures, describes a circle, a.nd places strange things within it. The glasses meanwhile begin to ring, the caidron to sound, and to make music. Lastly, she brings a great book; places the MONKEYS in the circle to serve her as a desk, and to hold the torches. She beckons FAUST to approach.)
57 Tell me, to what doth all this tend? Where will these frantic gestures end? This loathsome cheat, this senseless stuff I've known and hated long enough.
58 Mere mummery, a laugh to raise! Pray don't be so fastidious! She But as a leech, her hocus-pocus plays, That well with you her potion may agree. (He compels FAUST to enter the circle.)
(The WITCH, with great emphasis, begins to declaim the book.)
59 This must thou ken: Of one make ten, Pass two, and then Make square the three, So rich thou'lt be. Drop out the four! From five and six, Thus says the witch, Make seven and eight. So all is straight! And nine is one, And ten is none, This is the witch's one-time-one!
60 The hag doth as in fever rave.
61 To these will follow many a stave. I know it well, so rings the book throughout; Much time I've lost in puzzling o'er its pages, For downright paradox, no doubt, A mystery remains alike to fools and sages. Ancient the art and modern too, my friend. 'Tis still the fashion as it used to be, Error instead of truth abroad to send By means of three and one, and one and three. 'Tis ever taught and babbled in the schools. Who'd take the trouble to dispute with fools? When words men hear, in sooth, they usually believe. That there must needs therein be something to conceive.
THE WITCH (continues)
62 The lofty power Of wisdom's dower, From all the world conceal'd! Who thinketh not, To him I wot, Unsought it is reveal'd.
63 What nonsense doth the hag propound? My brain it doth well-nigh confound. A hundred thousand fools or more, Methinks I hear in chorus roar.
64 Incomparable Sibyl cease, I pray! Hand us thy liquor without more delay. And to the very brim the goblet crown! My friend he is, and need not be afraid; Besides, he is a man of many a grade, Who bath drunk deep already.
(The WITCH, with many ceremonies, pours the liquor into a cup; as FAUST lifts it to his mouth, a light flame arises.)
65 Gulp it down! No hesitation! It will prove A cordial, and your heart inspire! What! with the devil hand and glove, And yet shrink back afraid of fire?
(The WITCH dissolves the circle. FAUST steps Out.)
66 Now forth at once! thou dar'st not rest.
67 And much, sir, may the liquor profit you!
(to the WITCH)
68 And if to pleasure thee I aught can do, Pray on Walpurgis mention thy request.
69 Here is a song, sung o'er, sometimes you'll see, That 'twill a singular effect produce.
70 Come, quick, and let thyself be led by me; Thou must perspire, in order that the juice Thy frame may penetrate through every part. Then noble idleness I thee will teach to prize, And soon with ecstasy thou'lt recognise How Cupid stirs and gambols in thy heart.
71 Let me but gaze one moment in the glass! Too lovely was that female form!
72 Nay! nay!
73 A model which all women shall surpass, In flesh and blood ere long thou shalt survey. As works the draught, thou presently shalt greet A Helen in each woman thou dost meet.
(MARGARET passing by)
74 Fair lady, may I thus make free To offer you my arm and company?
75 I am no lady, am not fair, Can without escort home repair. (She disengages herself and exit.)
76 By heaven! This girl is fair indeed! No form like hers can I recall. Virtue she hath, and modest heed, Is piquant too, and sharp withal. Her cheek's soft light, her rosy lips, No length of time will e'er eclipse! Her downward glance in passing by, Deep in my heart is stamp'd for aye; How curt and sharp her answer too, To ecstasy the feeling grew!
77 This girl must win for me! Dost hear?
78 Which?
79 She who but now passed.
80 She from confession coineth here, From every sin absolved and free; I crept near the confessor's chair. All innocence her virgin soul, For next to nothing went she there; O'er such as she I've no control!
81 She's past fourteen.
82 You really talk Like any gay Lothario, Who every floweret from its stalk Would pluck, and deems nor grace, nor truth, Secure against his arts, forsooth! This ne'er the less won't always do.
83 Sir Moralizer, prithee, pause; Nor plague me with your tiresome laws! To cut the matter short, my friend, She must this very night be mine,-- And if to help me you decline, Midnight shall see our compact end.
84 What may occur just bear in mind! A fortnight's space, at least, I need, A fit occasion but to find.
85 With but Seven hours I could succeed; Nor should I want the devil's wile, So young a creature to beguile.
86 Like any Frenchman now you speak, But do not fret, I pray; why seek To hurry to enjoyment straight? The pleasure is not half so great, As when at first around, above, With all the fooleries of love, The puppet you can knead and mould As in Italian story oft is told.
87 No such incentives do I need.
88 But now, without offence or jest! You cannot quickly, I protest, In winning this sweet child succeed. By storm we cannot take the fort, To stratagem we must resort.
89 Conduct me to her place of rest! Some token of the angel bring! A kerchief from her snowy breast, A garter bring me,--any thing!
90 That I my anxious zeal may prove, Your pangs to sooth and aid your love, A single moment will we not delay, Will lead you to her room this very day.
91 And shall I see her ?--Have her?
92 No! She to a neighbour's house will go; But in her atmosphere alone, The tedious hours meanwhile you may employ, In blissful dreams of future joy.
93 Can we go now?
94 'Tis yet too soon.
95 Some present for my love procure! (Exit.)
96 Presents so soon! 'tis well! success is sure! Full many a goodly place I know, And treasures buried long ago; I must a bit o'erlook them now. (Exit.)
(braiding and binding up her hair)
97 I would give something now to know, Who yonder gentleman could be! He had a gallant air, I trow, And doubtless was of high degree: That written on his brow was seen-- Nor else would lie so bold have been. (Exit.)
98 Come in! tread softly! be discreet!
FAUST (after a pause)
99 Begone and leave me, I entreat!
MEPHISTOPHELES (looking round)
100 Not every maiden is so neat.
FAUST (gazing round)
101 Welcome sweet twilight, calm and blest, That in this hallow'd precinct reigns! Fond yearning love, inspire my breast, Feeding on hope's sweet dew thy blissful pains! What stillness here environs me! Content and order brood around. What fulness in this poverty! In this small cell what bliss profound! (He throws himself on the leather arm-chair beside the bed.)
102 Receive me thou, who hast in thine embrace, Welcom'd in joy and grief the ages flown! How oft the children of a by-gone race Have cluster'd round this patriarchal throne! Haply she, also, whom I hold so dear, For Christmas gift, with grateful joy possess'd, Hath with the full round cheek of childhood, here, Her grandsire's wither'd hand devoutly press'd. Maiden! I feel thy spirit haunt the place, Breathing of order and abounding grace. As with a mother's voice it prompteth thee, The pure white cover o'er the board to spread, To strew the crisping sand beneath thy tread. Dear hand! so godlike in its ministry! The hut becomes a paradise through thee! And here (He raises the bed-curtain.) How thrills my pulse with strange delight! Here could I linger hours untold; Thou, Nature, didst in vision bright, The embryo angel here unfold. Here lay the child, her bosom warm With life; while steeped in slumber's dew, To perfect grace, her godlike form, With pure and hallow'd weavings grew!
103 And thou! ah here what seekest thou? How quails mine inmost being now! What wouldst thou here? what makes thy heart so sore? Unhappy Faust! I know thee now no more.
104 Do I a magic atmosphere inhale? Erewhile, my passion would not brook delay! Now in a pure love-dream I melt away. Are we the sport of every passing gale?
105 Should she return and enter now, How wouldst thou rue thy guilty flame! Proud vaunter--thou wouldst hide thy brow,-- And at her feet sink down with shame.
106 Quick! quick! below I see her there.
107 Away! I will return no more!
108 Here is a casket, with a store Of jewels, which I got elsewhere. Just lay it in the press; make haste! I swear to you, 'twill turn her brain; Therein some trifles I have placed, Wherewith another to obtain. But child is child, and play is play.
109 I know not--shall I?
110 Do you ask? Perchance you would retain the treasure? If such your wish, why then, I say, Henceforth absolve me from my task, Nor longer waste your hours of leisure. I trust you're not by avarice led! I rub my hands, I scratch my head,-- (He places the casket in the press and closes the lock,) Now quick! Away! That soon the sweet young creature may The wish and purpose of your heart obey; Yct stand you there As would you to the lecture-room repair, As if before you stood, Arrayed in flesh and blood, Physics and metaphysics weird and grey !-- Away! (Exeunt.)
111 MARGARET (with a lamp) Here 'tis so close, so sultry now, (She opens the window.) Yet out of doors 'tis not so warm. I feel so strange, I know not how-- I wish my mother would come home. Through me there runs a shuddering-- I'm but a foolish timid thing! (While undressing herself she begins to sing.)
112 There was a king in Thule, True even to the grave; To whom his dying mistress A golden beaker gave.
113 At every feast he drained it, Naught was to him so dear, And often as he drained it, Gush'd from his eyes the tear.
114 When death came, unrepining His cities o'er he told; All to his heir resigning, Except his cup of gold.
115 With many a knightly vassal At a royal feast sat he, In yon proud ball ancestral, In his castle o'er the sea.
116 Up stood the jovial monarch, And quaff'd his last life's glow, Then hurled the hallow'd goblet Into the flood below.
117 He saw it splashing, drinking, And plunging hi the sea; His eyes meanwhile were sinking, And never again drank he. (She opens the press to put away her clothes, and perceives the casket.)
118 How comes this lovely casket here? The press I locked, of that I'm confident. 'Tis very wonderful! What's in it I can't guess; Perhaps 'twas brought by some one in distress. And left in pledge for loan my mother lent. Here by a ribbon hangs a little key! I have a mind to open it and see! Heavens! only look! what have we here! In all my days ne'er saw I such a sight! Jewels! which any noble dame might wear, For some high pageant richly dight! This chain--how would it look on me! These splendid gems, whose may they be? (She puts them on and steps before the glass.)
119 Were but the ear-rings only mine! Thus one has quite another air. What hoots it to be young and fair? It doubtless may be very flue; But then, alas, none cares for you, And praise sounds half like pity too. Gold all doth lure, Gold doth secure All things. Alas, we poor!
(FAUST walking thoughtfully up and down. To him MEPHISTOPHELES)
120 By all rejected love! By hellish fire I curse, Would I knew aught to make my imprecation worse!
121 What aileth thee? what chafes thee now so sore? A face like that I never saw before!
122 I'd yield me to the devil instantly, Did it not happen that myself am he!
123 There must be some disorder in thy wit! To rave thus like a madman, is it fit?
124 Think! only think! The gems for Gretchen brought, Them hath a priest now made his own !-- A glimpse of them the mother caught, And 'gan with secret fear to groan. The woman's scent is keen enough; Doth ever in the prayer-book snuff; Smells every article to ascertain Whether the thing is holy or profane, And scented in the jewels rare, That there was not much blessing there. "My child," she cries, "ill-gotten good Ensnares the soul, consumes the blood; With them we'll deck our Lady's shrine, She'll cheer our souls with bread divine!" At this poor Gretchen 'gan to pout; 'Tis a gift-horse, at least, she thought, And sure, he godless cannot be, Who brought them here so cleverly. Straight for a priest the mother sent, Who, when he understood the jest, With what he saw was well content. "This shows a pious mind!" Quoth he: "Self-conquest is true victory. The Church bath a good stomach, she, with zest, Whole countries hath swallow'd down, And never yet a surfeit known. The Church alone, be it confessed, Daughters, can ill-got wealth digest."
125 It is a general custom, too. Practised alike by king and jew.
126 With that, clasp, chain, and ring, he swept As they were mushrooms; and the casket, Without one word of thanks, he kept, As if of nuts it were a basket. Promised reward in heaven, then forth he hied-- And greatly they were edified.