"Dr. Marzak provides us with an inspired new humanism, what he refers to as Trinitarian Humanism, as the first step toward social renewal." (Prof. Americo Pablo Lopez-Ortiz International President World Apostolate of Fatima)
"Certainly, joint action on a political, economic and juridical level is needed but, even before that, it is necessary to reflect together on a moral and spiritual level. What is ever more vital is to promote a 'new humanism." (Address to Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace Pope Benedict XVI)
In order to provide a modern and convincing answer to the question, "what is man", the author utilizes a new integral methodology, which is a synthesis of empirical science, perennial philosophy, and Trinitarian theology to arrive at a convincing, well demonstrated, and thought provoking insight into the mystery of human nature to derive a Trintarian definition of man and woman made "in the likeness" and "to the image of God". The reader is taken deep into the recesses of the human person, body and soul, in search of the theologically posited Trinitarian image and likeness. The author demonstrates the union of spiritual soul and inanimate matter necessary to form a human body beginning with a soul's first cell. He explains how the soul cooperates with its first physical cell to form a human body (the "flesh of the soul"), latent in the cell's DNA. Learn why, among all animals, human beings (men and women) alone are said to be made in God's image. What is this elusive mystery of the image and how do we locate and understand it? What are its ramifications for politics and social renewal? How does it affect the type of social system we build and what is its ultimate mystical meaning for the divinization of man and of humanity? Read Trinitarian Humanism for integral insight (empirical-philosophical-theological) and satisfying responses to these questions - and much more. Sample Electronic Version
"I BELIEVE THIS BOOK in concert with the books to follow are necessary to help us understand and acquire Fatima’s promised Era of Peace, save many lost souls, and strengthen the Mystical Body of Christ. Coupled with many graces from God and abundant toil in communion with the requests made of us through the Fatima message, this series will be central to the quest for personal sanctification strengthened by the proper theological, philosophical, and scientific education and insight necessary to build the new social structures". Mr. Michael La Corte
"DR. MARZAK UNIQUELY ANALYZES the human person by taking an integral approach; one that includes Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, Philosophy, Theology and more. In a world often blindly led by isolated scientific discovery, this book shines as a light in the darkness by appreciating new knowledge offered by the sciences without sacrificing the long-established use of reason and faith. Whether Atheist, Christian, Agnostic, New age, or other, you can and will learn from Dr. Marzak's writing which cherishes the sciences and seeks to reunite them to Philosophy and Theology. In this great work, he presents logical and sound evidence gathered through an unbiased study of contemporary science to illustrate how man truly is made to the image of God. The only way for man to reach his (or her) potential is to know from Whom he (or she) comes and toward Whom he (or she) is directed. Dr. Marzak not only demonstrates how modern science does not contradict the existence of God, but in fact, directs us to the glory and depth of the Trinitarian God". Jacob Powell "YEARS OF STUDY AND RESEARCH have culminated in this Magnum Opus by Dr. David Marzak: Fatima, Politics, and Catholic Social Reconstruction. This book is a welcome contibution to social renewal in the modern world; it brings to the fore a new Trinitarian Humanism that reflects a much needed and deeper spiritual perspective for a modern anthropology. Thank you Dr. Marzak for your wonderful gift to the sciences of theology, philosophy, and anthropology!"
The Most Reverend Robert J. Baker |
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