Sir Robert Boyle
The First Part
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6

Doubts & Paradoxes, Touching the
Commonly call'd
As they are wont to be Propos'd and Defended by the Generality of
Whereunto is præmis'd Part of another Discourse relating to the same
I am (sayes Carneades) so unwilling to deny Eleutherius any thing,
that though, before the rest of the Company I am resolv'd to make good
the part I have undertaken of a Sceptick; yet I shall readily, since
you will have it so, lay aside for a while the Person of an Adversary
to the Peripateticks and Chymists; and before I acquaint you with my
Objections against their Opinions, acknowledge to you what may be
(whether truly or not) tollerably enough added, in favour of a certain
number of Principles of mixt Bodies, to that grand and known Argument
from the Analysis of compound Bodies, which I may possibly
hereafter be able to confute.
And that you may the more easily Examine, and the better Judge of what
I have to say, I shall cast it into a pretty number of distinct
Propositions, to which I shall not premise any thing; because I take
it for granted, that you need not be advertis'd, that much of what I
am to deliver, whether for or against a determinate number of
Ingredients of mix'd Bodies, may be indifferently apply'd to the four
Peripatetick Elements, and the three Chymical Principles, though
divers of my Objections will more peculiarly belong to these last
nam'd, because the Chymical Hypothesis seeming to be much more
countenanc'd by Experience then the other, it will be expedient to
insist chiefly upon the disproving of that; especially since most of
the Arguments that are imploy'd against it, may, by a little
variation, be made to conclude, at least as strongly against the less
plausible, Aristotelian Doctrine.
To proceed then to my Propositions, I shall begin with this. That
[Sidenote: Propos. I.]
It seems not absurd to conceive that at the first Production of mixt
Bodies, the Universal Matter whereof they among other Parts of the
Universe consisted, was actually divided into little Particles of
several sizes and shapes variously mov'd.
This (sayes Carneades) I suppose you will easily enough allow. For
besides that which happens in the Generation, Corruption, Nutrition,
and wasting of Bodies, that which we discover partly by our
Microscopes of the extream littlenesse of even the scarce sensible
parts of Concretes; and partly by the Chymical Resolutions of mixt
Bodies, and by divers other Operations of Spagyrical Fires upon them,
seems sufficiently to manifest their consisting of parts very minute
and of differing Figures. And that there does also intervene a various
local Motion of such small Bodies, will scarce be denied; whether we
chuse to grant the Origine of Concretions assign'd by Epicurus, or
that related by Moses. For the first, as you well know, supposes not
only all mixt Bodies, but all others to be produc'd by the various
and casual occursions of Atomes, moving themselves to and fro by an
internal Principle in the Immense or rather Infinite Vacuum. And as
for the inspir'd Historian, He, informing us that the great and Wise
Author of Things did not immediately create Plants, Beasts, Birds, &c.
but produc'd them out of those portions of the pre-existent, though
created, Matter, that he calls Water and Earth, allows us to conceive,
that the constituent Particles whereof these new Concretes were to
consist, were variously moved in order to their being connected into
the Bodies they were, by their various Coalitions and Textures, to
But (continues Carneades) presuming that the first Proposition needs
not be longer insisted on, I will pass on to the second, and tell you
[Sidenote: Propos. II.]
Neither is it impossible that of these minute Particles divers of the
smallest and neighbouring ones were here and there associated into
minute Masses or Clusters, and did by their Coalitions constitute
great store of such little primary Concretions or Masses as were not
easily dissipable into such Particles as compos'd them.
To what may be deduc'd, in favour of this Assertion, from the Nature
of the Thing it self, I will add something out of Experience, which
though I have not known it used to such a purpose, seems to me more
fairly to make out that there May be Elementary Bodies, then the more
questionable Experiments of Peripateticks and Chymists prove that
there Are such. I consider then that Gold will mix and be colliquated
not only with Silver, Copper, Tin and Lead, but with Antimony,
Regulus Martis and many other Minerals, with which it will compose
Bodies very differing both from Gold, and the other Ingredients of the
resulting Concretes. And the same Gold will also by common Aqua
Regis, and (I speak it knowingly) by divers other Menstruums be
reduc'd into a seeming Liquor, in so much that the Corpuscles of Gold
will, with those of the Menstruum, pass through Cap-Paper, and with
them also coagulate into a Crystalline Salt. And I have further try'd,
that with a small quantity of a certain Saline Substance I prepar'd,
I can easily enough sublime Gold into the form of red Crystalls of a
considerable length; and many other wayes may Gold be disguis'd, and
help to constitute Bodies of very differing Natures both from It and
from one another, and neverthelesse be afterward reduc'd to the
self-same Numerical, Yellow, Fixt, Ponderous and Malleable Gold it was
before its commixture. Nor is it only the fixedst of Metals, but the
most fugitive, that I may employ in favour of our Proposition: for
Quicksilver will with divers Metals compose an Amalgam, with divers
Menstruums it seems to be turn'd into a Liquor, with Aqua fortis
will be brought into either a red or white Powder or precipitate, with
Oyl of Vitriol into a pale Yellow one, with Sulphur it will compose a
blood-red and volatile Cinaber, with some Saline Bodies it will ascend
in form of a Salt which will be dissoluble in water; with Regulus of
Antimony and Silver I have seen it sublim'd into a kinde of Crystals,
with another Mixture I reduc'd it into a malleable Body, into a hard
and brittle Substance by another: And some there are who affirm, that
by proper Additaments they can reduce Quicksilver into Oyl, nay into
Glass, to mention no more. And yet out of all these exotick Compounds,
we may recover the very same running Mercury that was the main
Ingredient of them, and was so disguis'd in them. Now the Reason
(proceeds Carneades) that I have represented these things concerning
Gold and Quicksilver, is, That it may not appear absurd to conceive,
that such little primary Masses or Clusters, as our Proposition
mentions, may remain undissipated, notwithstanding their entring into
the composition of various Concretions, since the Corpuscle of Gold
and Mercury, though they be not primary Concretions of the most minute
Particles or matter, but confessedly mixt Bodies, are able to concurre
plentifully to the composition of several very differing Bodies,
without losing their own Nature or Texture, or having their cohæsion
violated by the divorce of their associated parts or Ingredients.
Give me leave to add (sayes Eleutherius) on this occasion, to what
you now observ'd, that as confidently as some Chymists, and other
modern Innovators in Philosophy are wont to object against the
Peripateticks, That from the mixture of their four Elements there
could arise but an inconsiderable variety of compound Bodies; yet if
the Aristotelians were but half as well vers'd in the works of
Nature as they are in the Writings of their Master, the propos'd
Objection would not so calmly triumph, as for want of Experiments they
are fain to suffer it to do. For if we assigne to the Corpuscles,
whereof each Element consists, a peculiar size and shape, it may
easily enough be manifested, That such differingly figur'd Corpuscles
may be mingled in such various Proportions, and may be connected so
many several wayes, that an almost incredible number of variously
qualified Concretes may be compos'd of them. Especially since the
Corpuscles of one Element may barely, by being associated among
themselves, make up little Masses of differing size and figure from
their constituent parts: and since also to the strict union of such
minute Bodies there seems oftentimes nothing requisite, besides the
bare Contact of a great part of their Surfaces. And how great a
variety of Phænomena the same matter, without the addition of any
other, and only several ways dispos'd or contexed, is able to exhibit,
may partly appear by the multitude of differing Engins which by the
contrivances of skilful Mechanitians, and the dexterity of expert
Workmen, may be made of Iron alone. But in our present case being
allow'd to deduce compound Bodies from four very differently qualified
sorts of matter, he who shall but consider what you freshly took
notice of concerning the new Concretes resulting from the mixture of
incorporated Minerals, will scarce doubt but that the four Elements
mannag'd by Natures Skill may afford a multitude of differing
I am thus far of your minde (sayes Carneades) that the
Aristotelians might with probability deduce a much greater number of
compound Bodies from the mixture of their four Elements, than
according to their present Hypothesis they can, if instead of vainly
attempting to deduce the variety and properties of all mixt Bodies
from the Combinations and Temperaments of the four Elements, as they
are (among them) endowd with the four first Qualities, they had
endeavoured to do it by the Bulk and Figure of the smallest parts of
those supposed Elements. For from these more Catholick and Fruitfull
Accidents of the Elementary matter may spring a great variety of
Textures, upon whose Account a multitude of compound Bodies may very
much differ from one another. And what I now observe touching the four
Peripatetick Elements, may be also applyed, mutatis mutandis, (as
they speak) to the Chymical Principles. But (to take notice of that by
the by) both the one and the other, must, I fear, call in to their
assistance something that is not Elementary, to excite or regulate the
motion of the parts of the matter, and dispose them after the manner
requisite to the Constitution of particular Concretes. For that
otherwise they are like to give us but a very imperfect account of the
Origine of very many mixt Bodies, It would, I think, be no hard matter
to perswade you, if it would not spend time, and were no Digression,
to examine, what they are wont to alledge of the Origine of the
Textures and Qualities of mixt Bodies, from a certain substantial
Form, whose Origination they leave more obscure than what it is
assum'd to explicate.
But to proceed to a new Proposition.
[Sidenote: Propos. III.]
I shall not peremptorily deny, that from most of such mixt Bodies as
partake either of Animal or Vegetable Nature, there may by the Help of
the Fire, be actually obtain'd a determinate number (whether Three,
Four or Five, or fewer or more) of Substances, worthy of differing
Of the Experiments that induce me to make this Concession, I am like
to have occasion enough to mention several in the prosecution of my
Discourse. And therefore, that I may not hereafter be oblig'd to
trouble You and my self with needless Repetitions, I shall now only
desire you to take notice of such Experiments, when they shall be
mention'd, and in your thoughts referre them hither.
To these three Concessions I have but this Fourth to add, That
[Sidenote: Propos. IV.]
It may likewise be granted, that those distinct Substances, which
Concretes generally either afford or are made up of, may without very
much Inconvenience be call'd the Elements or Principles of them.
When I said, without very much Inconvenience, I had in my Thoughts
that sober Admonition of Galen, Cum de re constat, de verbis non
est Litigandum. And therefore also I scruple not to say Elements or
Principles, partly because the Chymists are wont to call the
Ingredients of mixt Bodies, Principles, as the Aristotelians name
them Elements; I would here exclude neither. And, partly, because it
seems doubtfull whether the same Ingredients may not be call'd
Principles? as not being compounded of any more primary Bodies: and
Elements, in regard that all mix'd Bodies are compounded of them.
But I thought it requisite to limit my Concession by premising the
words, very much, to the word Inconvenience, because that though
the Inconvenience of calling the distinct Substances, mention'd in the
Proposition Elements or Principles, be not very great, yet that
it is an Impropriety of Speech, and consequently in a matter of this
moment not to be altogether overlook'd, You will perhaps think, as
well as I, by that time you shall have heard the following part of my
Discourse, by which you will best discern what Construction to put
upon the former Propositions, and how far they may be look'd upon, as
things that I concede as true, and how far as things I only represent
as specious enough to be fit to be consider'd.
And now Eleutherius (continues Carneades) I must resume the person
of a Sceptick, and as such, propose some part of what may be either
dislik't, or at least doubted of in the common Hypothesis of the
Chymists: which if I examine with a little the more freedom, I hope I
need not desire you (a Person to whom I have the Happinesse of being
so well known) to look upon it as something more suitable to the
Employment whereto the Company has, for this Meeting, doom'd me; then
either to my Humour or my Custom.
Now though I might present you many things against the Vulgar Chymical
Opinion of the three Principles, and the Experiments wont to be
alledg'd as Demonstrations of it, yet those I shall at present offer
you may be conveniently enough comprehended in four Capital
Considerations; touching all which I shall only premise this in
general, That since it is not my present Task so much to assert an
Hypothesis of my own, as to give an Account wherefore I suspect the
Truth of that of the Chymists, it ought not to be expected that all my
Objections should be of the most cogent sort, since it is reason
enough to Doubt of a propos'd Opinion, that there appears no cogent
Reason for it.
To come then to the Objections themselves; I consider in the first
place, That notwithstanding what common Chymists have prov'd or
taught, it may reasonably enough be Doubted, how far, and in what
sence, Fire ought to be esteem'd the genuine and universal Instrument
of analyzing mixt Bodies.
This Doubt, you may remember, was formerly mention'd, but so
transiently discours'd of, that it will now be fit to insist upon it;
And manifest that it was not so inconsiderately propos'd as our
Adversaries then imagin'd.
But, before I enter any farther into this Disquisition, I cannot but
here take notice, that it were to be wish'd, our Chymists had clearly
inform'd us what kinde of Division of Bodies by Fire must determine
the number of the Elements: For it is nothing near so easy as many
seem to think, to determine distinctly the Effects of Heat, as I could
easily manifest, if I had leasure to shew you how much the Operations
of Fire may be diversify'd by Circumstances. But not wholly to pass by
a matter of this Importance, I will first take notice to you, that
Guajacum (for Instance) burnt with an open Fire in a Chimney, is
sequestred into Ashes and Soot, whereas the same Wood distill'd in a
Retort does yield far other Heterogeneities, (to use the Helmontian
expression) and is resolv'd into Oyl, Spirit, Vinager, Water and
Charcoal; the last of which to be reduc'd into Ashes, requires the
being farther calcin'd then it can be in a close Vessel: Besides
having kindled Amber, and held a clean Silver Spoon, or some other
Concave and smooth Vessel over the Smoak of its Flame, I observ'd the
Soot into which that Fume condens'd, to be very differing from any
thing that I had observ'd to proceed from the steam of Amber purposely
(for that is not usual) distilled per se in close Vessels. Thus
having, for Tryals sake, kindled Camphire, and catcht the Smoak that
copiously ascended out of the Flame, it condens'd into a Black and
unctuous Soot, which would not have been guess'd by the Smell or other
Properties to have proceeded from Camphire: whereas having (as I shall
otherwhere more fully declare) expos'd a quantity of that Fugitive
Concrete to a gentle heat in a close Glass-Vessel, it sublim'd up
without seeming to have lost any thing of its whiteness, or its
Nature, both which it retain'd, though afterwards I so encreased the
Fire as to bring it to Fusion. And, besides Camphire, there are divers
other Bodies (that I elsewhere name) in which the heat in close
Vessels is not wont to make any separation of Heterogeneities, but
only a comminution of Parts, those that rise first being Homogeneal
with the others, though subdivided into smaller Particles: whence
Sublimations have been stiled, The Pestles of the Chymists. But not
here to mention what I elsewhere take notice of, concerning common
Brimstone once or twice sublim'd, that expos'd to a moderate Fire in
Subliming-Pots, it rises all into dry, and almost tastless, Flowers;
Whereas being expos'd to a naked Fire it affords store of a Saline and
Fretting Liquor: Not to mention this, I say, I will further observe to
you, that as it is considerable in the Analysis of mixt Bodies,
whether the Fire act on them when they are expos'd to the open Air, or
shut up in close Vessels, so is the degree of Fire by which the
Analysis is attempted of no small moment. For a milde Balneum will
sever unfermented Blood (for Instance) but into Phlegme and Caput
mortuum, the later whereof (which I have sometimes had) hard,
brittle, and of divers Colours, (transparent almost like
Tortoise-shell) press'd by a good Fire in a Retort yields a Spirit, an
Oyl or two, and a volatile Salt, besides a [Errata: another] Caput
mortuum. It may be also pertinent to our present Designe, to take
notice of what happens in the making and distilling of Sope; for by
one degree of Fire the Salt, the Water and the Oyl or Grease, whereof
that factitious Concrete is made up, being boyl'd up together are
easily brought to mingle and incorporate into one Mass; but by another
and further degree of Heat the same Mass may be again divided into an
oleagenous, an aqueous, a Saline, and an Earthy part. And so we may
observe that impure Silver and Lead being expos'd together to a
moderate Fire, will thereby be colliquated into one Mass, and mingle
per minima, as they speak, whereas a much vehementer Fire will drive
or carry off the baser Metals (I mean the Lead, and the Copper or
other Alloy) from the Silver, though not, for ought appears, separate
them from one another. Besides, when a Vegetable abounding in fixt
Salt is analyz'd by a naked Fire, as one degree of Heat will reduce it
into Ashes, (as the Chymists themselves teach us) so, by only a
further degree of Fire, those Ashes may be vitrified and turn'd into
Glass. I will not stay to examine how far a meere Chymist might on
this occasion demand, If it be lawful for an Aristotelian to make
Ashes, (which he mistakes for meere Earth) pass for an Element,
because by one degree of Fire it may be produc'd, why a Chymist may
not upon the like Principle argue, that Glass is one of the Elements
of many Bodies, because that also may be obtain'd from them, barely by
the Fire? I will not, I say, lose time to examine this, but observe,
that by a Method of applying the Fire, such similar Bodies may be
obtain'd from a Concrete, as Chymists have not been able to separate;
either by barely burning it in an open Fire, or by barely distilling
it in close Vessels. For to me it seems very considerable, and I
wonder that men have taken so little notice of it, that I have not by
any of the common wayes of Distillation in close Vessels, seen any
separation made of such a volatile Salt as is afforded us by Wood,
when that is first by an open Fire divided into Ashes and Soot, and
that Soot is afterwards plac'd in a strong Retort, and compell'd by an
urgent Fire to part with its Spirit, Oyl and Salt; for though I dare
not peremptorily deny, that in the Liquors of Guajacum and other
Woods distill'd in Retorts after the common manner, there may be
Saline parts, which by reason of the Analogy may pretend to the name
of some kinde of volatile Salts; yet questionless there is a great
disparity betwixt such Salts and that which we have sometimes obtain'd
upon the first Distillation of Soot (though for the most part it has
not been separated from the first or second Rectification, and
sometimes not till the third) For we could never yet see separated
from Woods analyz'd only the vulgar way in close vessels any volatile
Salt in a dry and Saline form, as that of Soot, which we have often
had very Crystalline and Geometrically figur'd. And then, whereas the
Saline parts of the Spirits of Guajacum, &c. appear upon
distillation sluggish enough, the Salt of Soot seems to be one of the
most volatile Bodies in all Nature; and if it be well made will
readily ascend with the milde heat of a Furnace, warm'd only by the
single Wieck of a Lamp, to the top of the highest Glass Vessels that
are commonly made use of for Distillation: and besides all this, the
taste and smell of the Salt of Soot are exceeding differing from those
of the Spirits of Guajacum, &c. and the former not only smells and
tastes much less like a vegetable Salt, than like that of Harts-horn,
and other Animal Concretes; but in divers other Properties seems more
of Kinne to the Family of Animals, than to that of vegetable Salts, as
I may elsewhere (God permitting) have an occasion more particularly to
declare. I might likewise by some other Examples manifest, That the
Chymists, to have dealt clearly, ought to have more explicitly and
particularly declar'd by what Degree of Fire, and in what manner of
Application of it, they would have us Judge a Division made by the
Fire to be a true Analysis into their Principles, and the
Productions of it to deserve the name of Elementary Bodies. But it is
time that I proceed to mention the particular Reasons that incline me
to Doubt, whether the Fire be the true and universal Analyzer of mixt
Bodies; of which Reasons what has been already objected may pass for
In the next place I observe, That there are some mixt Bodies from
which it has not been yet made appear, that any degree of Fire can
separate either Salt or Sulphur or Mercury, much less all the Three.
The most obvious Instance of this Truth is Gold, which is a Body so
fix'd, and wherein the Elementary Ingredients (if it have any) are so
firmly united to each other, that we finde not in the operations
wherein Gold is expos'd to the Fire, how violent soever, that it does
discernably so much as lose of its fixednesse or weight, so far is it
from being dissipated into those Principles, whereof one at least is
acknowledged to be Fugitive enough; and so justly did the Spagyricall
Poet somewhere exclaim,
Cuncta adeo miris illic compagibus harent.
And I must not omit on this occasion to mention to you, Eleutherius,
the memorable Experiment that I remember I met with in Gasto
Claveus,[2] who, though a Lawyer by Profession, seems to have had no
small Curiosity and Experience in Chymical affairs: He relates then,
that having put into one small Earthen Vessel an Ounce of the most
pure Gold, and into another the like weight of pure Silver, he plac'd
them both in that part of a Glass-house Furnace wherein the Workmen
keep their Metal, (as our English Artificers call their Liquid Glass)
continually melted, and that having there kept both the Gold and the
Silver in constant Fusion for two Moneths together, he afterwards took
them out of the Furnace and the Vessels, and weighing both of them
again, found that the Silver had not lost above a 12th part of its
weight, but the Gold had not of his lost any thing at all. And though
our Author endeavours to give us of this a Scholastick Reason, which I
suppose you would be as little satisfied with, as I was when I read
it; yet for the matter of Fact, which will serve our present turne, he
assures us, that though it be strange, yet Experience it self taught
it him to be most true.
[Footnote 2: Gasto Claveus Apolog. Argur. & Chrysopera.]
And though there be not perhaps any other Body to be found so
perfectly fix'd as Gold, yet there are divers others so fix'd or
compos'd, at least of so strictly united parts, that I have not yet
observ'd the Fire to separate from them any one of the Chymists
Principles. I need not tell you what Complaints the more Candid and
Judicious of the Chymists themselves are wont to make of those
Boasters that confidently pretend, that they have extracted the Salt
or Sulphur of Quicksilver, when they have disguis'd it by Additaments,
wherewith it resembles the Concretes whose Names are given it;
whereas by a skilful and rigid Examen, it may be easily enough
stript of its Disguises, and made to appear again in the pristine form
of running Mercury. The pretended Salts and Sulphurs being so far from
being Elementary parts extracted out of the Bodie of Mercurie, that
they are rather (to borrow a terme of the Grammarians) De-compound
Bodies, made up of the whole Metal and the Menstruum or other
Additaments imploy'd to disguise it. And as for Silver, I never could
see any degree of Fire make it part with any of its three Principles.
And though the Experiment lately mentioned from Claveus may beget a
Suspition that Silver may be dissipated by Fire, provided it be
extreamly violent and very lasting: yet it will not necessarily
follow, that because the Fire was able at length to make the Silver
lose a little of its weight, it was therefore able to dissipate it
into its Principles. For first I might alledge that I have observ'd
little Grains of Silver to lie hid in the small Cavities (perhaps
glas'd over by a vitrifying heat) in Crucibles, wherein Silver has
been long kept in Fusion, whence some Goldsmiths of my Acquaintance
make a Benefit by grinding such Crucibles to powder, to recover out of
them the latent particles of Silver. And hence I might argue, that
perhaps Claveus was mistaken, and imagin'd that Silver to have been
driven away by the Fire, that indeed lay in minute parts hid in his
Crucible, in whose pores so small a quantity as he mist of so
ponderous a Bodie might very well lie conceal'd.
But Secondly, admitting that some parts of the Silver were driven away
by the violence of the Fire, what proof is there that it was either
the Salt, the Sulphur, or the Mercury of the Metal, and not rather a
part of it homogeneous to what remain'd? For besides, that the Silver
that was left seem'd not sensibly alter'd, which probably would have
appear'd, had so much of any one of its Principles been separated from
it: We finde in other Mineral Bodies of a less permanent nature than
Silver, that the Fire may divide them into such minute parts, as to be
able to carry them away with its self, without at all destroying their
Nature. Thus we see that in the refining of Silver, the Lead that is
mix'd with it (to carry away the Copper or other ignoble Mineral that
embases the Silver) will, if it be let alone, in time evaporate away
upon the Test; but if (as is most usual amongst those that refine
great quantities of Metals together) the Lead be blown off from the
Silver by Bellowes, that which would else have gone away in the Form
of unheeded steams, will in great part be collected not far from the
Silver, in the Form of a darkish Powder or Calx, which, because it is
blown off from Silver, they call Litharge of Silver. And thus
Agricola[3] in divers places informs us, when Copper, or the Oare of
it is colliquated by the violence of the Fire with Cadmia, the
Sparks that in great multitudes do fly upwards do, some of them, stick
to the vaulted Roofs of the Furnaces, in the form of little and (for
the most part) White Bubbles, which therefore the Greeks, and, in
Imitation of them, our Drugsters call Pompholix: and others more
heavy partly adhere to the sides of the Furnace, and partly
(especially if the Covers be not kept upon the Pots) fall to the
Ground, and by reason of their Ashy Colour as well as Weight were
called by the same Greeks [Greek: spodos], which, I need not tell you,
in their Language signifies Ashes. I might add, that I have not found
that from Venetian Talck (I say Venetian, because I have found other
kinds of that Mineral more open) from the Lapis Ossifragus, (which
the Shops call Ostiocolla) from Muscovia Glass, from pure and
Fusible Sand, to mention now no other Concretes; those of my
Acquaintance that have try'd have been able by the Fire to separate
any one of the Hypostatical Principles, which you will the less
scruple to believe, if you consider that Glass may be made by the bare
Colliquation of the Salt and Earth remaining in the Ashes of a burnt
Plant, and that yet common Glass, once made, does so far resist the
violence of the Fire, that most Chymists think it a Body more
undestroyable then Gold it self. For if the Artificer can so firmly
unite such comparative gross Particles as those of Earth and Salt that
make up common Ashes, into a Body indissoluble by Fire; why may not
Nature associate in divers Bodies the more minute Elementary
Corpuscles she has at hand too firmly to let them be separable by the
Fire? And on this Occasion, Eleutherius, give me leave to mention to
you two or three sleight Experiments, which will, I hope, be found
more pertinent to our present Discourse, than at first perhaps they
will appear. The first is, that, having (for Tryals sake) put a
quantity of that Fugitive Concrete, Camphire, into a Glass Vessel, and
plac'd it in a gentle Heat, I found it (not leaving behinde, according
to my Estimate, not so much as one Grain) to sublime to the Top of the
Vessel into Flowers: which in Whiteness, Smell, &c. seem'd not to
differ from the Camphire it self. Another Experiment is that of
Helmont, who in several places affirms, That a Coal kept in a Glass
exactly clos'd will never be calcin'd to Ashes, though kept never so
long in a strong Fire. To countenance which I shall tell you this
Tryal of my own, That having sometimes distilled some Woods, as
particularly Box, whilst our Caput mortuum remain'd in the Retort,
it continued black like Charcoal, though the Retort were Earthen, and
kept red-hot in a vehement Fire; but as soon as ever it was brought
out of the candent Vessel into the open Air, the burning Coals did
hastily degenerate or fall asunder, without the Assistance of any new
Calcination, into pure white Ashes. And to these two I shall add but
this obvious and known Observation, that common Sulphur (if it be pure
and freed from its Vinager) being leasurely sublim'd in close Vessels,
rises into dry Flowers, which may be presently melted into a Bodie of
the same Nature with that which afforded them. Though if Brimstone be
burnt in the open Air it gives, you know, a penetrating Fume, which
being caught in a Glass-Bell condenses into that acid Liquor called
Oyl of Sulphur per Campanam. The use I would make of these
Experiments collated with what I lately told you out of Agricola is
this, That even among the Bodies that are not fixt, there are divers
of such a Texture, that it will be hard to make it appear, how the
Fire, as Chymists are wont to imploy it, can resolve them into
Elementary Substances. For some Bodies being of such a Texture that
the Fire can drive them into the cooler and less hot part of the
Vessels wherein they are included, and if need be, remove them from
place to place to fly the greatest heat, more easily than it can
divorce their Elements (especially without the Assistance of the Air)
we see that our Chymists cannot Analyze them in close Vessels, and of
other compound Bodies the open Fire can as little separate the
Elements. For what can a naked Fire do to Analyze a mixt Bodie, if its
component Principles be so minute, and so strictly united, that the
Corpuscles of it need less heat to carry them up, than is requisite to
divide them into their Principles. So that of some Bodies the Fire
cannot in close Vessels make any Analysis at all, and others will in
the open Air fly away in the Forms of Flowers or Liquors, before the
Heat can prove able to divide them into their Principles. And this may
hold, whether the various similar parts of a Concrete be combin'd by
Nature or by Art; For in factitious Sal Armoniack we finde the
common and the Urinous Salts so well mingled, that both in the open
Fire, and in subliming Vessels they rise together as one Salt, which
seems in such Vessels irresoluble by Fire alone. For I can shew you
Sal Armoniack which after the ninth Sublimation does still retain
its compounded Nature. And indeed I scarce know any one Mineral, from
which by Fire alone Chymists are wont to sever any Substance simple
enough to deserve the name of an Element or Principle. For though out
of native Cinnaber they distill Quicksilver, and though from many of
those Stones that the Ancients called Pyrites they sublime
Brimstone, yet both that Quicksilver and this Sulphur being very often
the same with the common Minerals that are sold in the Shops under
those names, are themselves too much compounded Bodies to pass for the
Elements of such. And thus much, Eleutherius, for the Second
Argument that belongs to my First Consideration; the others I shall
the lesse insist on, because I have dwelt so long upon this.
[Footnote 3: Agricola de Natura Fossil. Lib. 9. Cap. 11. & 12.]
Proceed we then in the next place to consider, That there are divers
Separations to be made by other means, which either cannot at all, or
else cannot so well be made by the Fire alone. When Gold and Silver
are melted into one Mass, it would lay a great Obligation upon
Refiners and Goldsmiths to teach them the Art of separating them by
the Fire, without the trouble and charge they are fain to be at to
sever them. Whereas they may be very easily parted by the Affusion of
Spirit of Nitre or Aqua fortis (which the French therefore call Eau
de Depart:) so likewise the Metalline part of Vitriol will not be so
easily and conveniently separated from the Saline part even by a
violent Fire, as by the Affusion of certain Alkalizate Salts in a
liquid Form upon the Solution of Vitriol made in common water. For
thereby the acid Salt of the Vitriol, leaving the Copper it had
corroded to joyn with the added Salts, the Metalline part will be
precipitated to the bottom almost like Mud. And that I may not give
Instances only in De-compound Bodies, I will add a not useless one of
another kinde. Not only Chymists have not been able (for ought is
vulgarly known) by Fire alone to separate true Sulphur from Antimony;
but though you may finde in their Books many plausible Processes of
Extracting it, yet he that shall make as many fruitlesse Tryals as I
have done to obtain it by, most of them will, I suppose, be easily
perswaded, that the Productions of such Processes are Antimonial
Sulphurs rather in Name than Nature. But though Antimony sublim'd by
its self is reduc'd but to a volatile Powder, or Antimonial Flowers,
of a compounded Nature like the Mineral that affords them: yet I
remember that some years ago I sublim'd out of Antimony a Sulphur, and
that in greater plenty then ever I saw obtain'd from that Mineral, by
a Method which I shall therefore acquaint you with, because Chymists
seem not to have taken notice of what Importance such Experiments may
be in the Indagation of the Nature, and especially of the Number of
the Elements. Having then purposely for Tryals sake digested eight
Ounces of good and well powder'd Antimony with twelve Ounces of Oyl of
Vitriol in a well stopt Glas-Vessel for about six or seven Weeks; and
having caus'd the Mass (grown hard and brittle) to be distill'd in a
Retort plac'd in Sand, with a strong Fire; we found the Antimony to be
so opened, or alter'd by the Menstruum wherewith it had been
digested, That whereas crude Antimony, forc'd up by the Fire, arises
only in Flowers, our Antimony thus handled afforded us partly in the
Receiver, and partly in the Neck and at the Top of the Retort, about
an Ounce of Sulphur, yellow and brittle like common Brimstone, and of
so Sulphureous a smell, that upon the unluting the Vessels it infected
the Room with a scarce supportable stink. And this Sulphur, besides
the Colour and Smell, had the perfect Inflamability of common
Brimstone, and would immediately kindle (at the Flame of a Candle) and
burn blew like it. And though it seem'd that the long digestion
wherein our Antimony and Menstruum were detain'd, did conduce to the
better unlocking of the Mineral, yet if you have not the leasure to
make so long a Digestion, you may by incorporating with powder'd
Antimony a convenient Quantity of Oyl of Vitriol, and committing them
immediately to Distillation, obtain a little Sulphur like unto the
common one, and more combustible than perhaps you will at first take
notice of. For I have observ'd, that though (after its being first
kindled) the Flame would sometimes go out too soon of its self, if the
same Lump of Sulphur were held again to the Flame of a Candle, it
would be rekindled and burn a pretty while, not only after the
second, but after the third or fourth accension. You, to whom I think
I shewed my way of discovering something of Sulphureous in Oyl of
Vitriol, may perchance suspect, Eleutherius, either that this
Substance was some Venereal Sulphur that lay hid in that Liquor, and
was by this operation only reduc'd into a manifest Body; or else that
it was a compound of the unctuous parts of the Antimony, and the
Saline ones of the Vitriol, in regard that (as Gunther[4] informs
us) divers learned men would have Sulphur to be nothing but a mixture
made in the Bowels of the Earth of Vitriolate Spirits and a certain
combustible Substance. But the Quantity of Sulphur we obtain'd by
Digestion was much too great to have been latent in the Oyl of
Vitriol. And that Vitriolate Spirits are not necessary to the
Constitution of such a Sulphur as ours, I could easily manifest, if I
would acquaint you with the several wayes by which I have obtain'd,
though not in such plenty, a Sulphur of Antimony, colour'd and
combustible like common Brimstone. And though I am not now minded to
discover them, yet I shall tell you, that to satisfie some Ingenious
Men, that distill'd Vitriolate Spirits are not necessary to the
obtaining of such a Sulphur as we have been considering, I did by the
bare distillation of only Spirit of Nitre, from its weight of crude
Antimony separate, in a short time, a yellow and very inflamable
Sulphur, which, for ought I know, deserves as much the name of an
Element, as any thing that Chymists are wont to separate from any
Mineral by the Fire. I could perhaps tell you of other Operations upon
Antimony, whereby That may be extracted from it, which cannot be
forc'd out of it by the Fire; but I shall reserve them for a fitter
Opportunity, and only annex at present this sleight, but not
impertinent Experiment. That whereas I lately observed to you, that
the Urinous and common Salts whereof Sal Armoniack consists,
remain'd unsever'd by the Fire in many successive Sublimations, they
may be easily separated, and partly without any Fire at all, by
pouring upon the Concrete finely powder'd, a Solution of Salt of
Tartar, or of the Salt of Wood-Ashes; for upon your diligently mixing
of these you will finde your Nose invaded with a very strong smell of
Urine, and perhaps too your Eyes forc'd to water by the same subtle
and piercing Body that produces the stink; both these effects
proceeding from hence, that by the Alcalizate Salt, the Sea Salt that
enter'd the composition of the Sal Armoniack is mortify'd and made
more fixt, and thereby a divorce is made between it and the volatile
Urinous Salt, which being at once set at liberty, and put into motion,
begins presently to fly away, and to offend the Nostrils and Eyes it
meets with by the way. And if the operation of these Salts be in
convenient Glasses promoted by warmth, though but by that of a Bath,
the ascending Steams may easily be caught and reduc'd into a penetrant
Spirit, abounding with a Salt, which I have sometimes found to be
separable in a Crystalline Form. I might add to these Instances, that
whereas Sublimate, consisting, as you know, of Salts & Quicksilver
combin'd and carried up together by Heat, may be Sublim'd, I know not
how often, by a like degree of Fire, without suffering any divorce of
the component Bodies, the Mercury may be easily sever'd from the
adhering Salts, if the Sublimate be distill'd from Salt of Tartar,
Quick Lime, or such Alcalizate Bodies. But I will rather observe to
you, Eleutherius, what divers ingenious men have thought somewhat
strange; that by such an Additament that seems but only to promote the
Separation, there may be easily obtain'd from a Concrete that by the
Fire alone is easily divisible into all the Elements that Vegetables
are suppos'd to consist of, such a similar Substance as differs in
many respects from them all, and consequently has by many of the most
Intelligent Chymists been denied to be contain'd in the mixt Body. For
I know a way, and have practis'd it, whereby common Tartar, without
the addition of any thing that is not perfectly a Mineral except
Salt-petre, may by one Distillation in an Earthen Retort be made to
afford good store of real Salt, readily dissoluble in water, which I
found to be neither acid, nor of the smell of Tartar, and to be almost
as volatile as Spirit of Wine it self, and to be indeed of so
differing a Nature from all that is wont to be separated by Fire from
Tartar, that divers Learned Men, with whom I discours'd of it, could
hardly be brought to beleeve, that so fugitive a Salt could be
afforded by Tartar, till I assur'd it them upon my own Knowledge. And
if I did not think you apt to suspect me to be rather too backward
than too forward to credit or affirm unlikely things, I could convince
you by what I have yet lying by me of that anomalous Salt.
[Footnote 4: Lib. 1. Observat. Cap. 6.]
The Fourth thing that I shall alledge to countenance my first
Consideration is, That the Fire even when it divides a Body into
Substances of divers Consistences, does not most commonly analyze it
into Hypostatical Principles, but only disposes its parts into new
Textures, and thereby produces Concretes of a new indeed, but yet of a
compound Nature. This Argument it will be requisite for me to
prosecute so fully hereafter, that I hope you will then confess that
'tis not for want of good Proofs that I desire leave to suspend my
Proofs till the Series of my Discourse shall make it more proper and
seasonable to propose them.
It may be further alledg'd on the behalf of my First Consideration,
That some such distinct Substances may be obtain'd from some
Concretes without Fire, as deserve no less the name of Elementary,
than many that Chymists extort by the Violence of the Fire.
We see that the Inflamable Spirit, or as the Chymists esteem it, the
Sulphur of Wine, may not only be separated from it by the gentle heat
of a Bath, but may be distill'd either by the help of the Sun-Beams,
or even of a Dunghill, being indeed of so Fugitive a Nature, that it
is not easy to keep it from flying away, even without the Application
of external heat. I have likewise observ'd that a Vessel full of Urine
being plac'd in a Dunghill, the Putrefaction is wont after some weeks
so to open the Body, that the parts disbanding the Saline Spirit, will
within no very long time, if the Vessel be not stopt, fly away of it
self; Insomuch that from such Urine I have been able to distill little
or nothing else than a nauseous Phlegme, instead of the active and
piercing Salt and Spirit that it would have afforded, when first
expos'd to the Fire, if the Vessel had been carefully stopt.
And this leads me to consider in the Fifth place, That it will be very
hard to prove, that there can no other Body or way be given which
will as well as the Fire divide Concretes into several homogeneous
Substances, which may consequently be call'd their Elements or
Principles, as well as those separated or produc'd by the Fire. For
since we have lately seen, that Nature can successefully employ other
Instruments than the Fire to separate distinct Substances from mixt
Bodies, how know we, but that Nature has made, or Art may make, some
such Substance as may be a fit Instrument to Analyze mixt Bodies, or
that some such Method may be found by Humane Industry or Luck, by
whose means compound Bodies may be resolv'd into other Substances,
than such as they are wont to be divided into by the Fire. And why the
Products of such an Analysis may not as justly be call'd the
component Principles of the Bodies that afford them, it will not be
easy to shew, especially since I shall hereafter make it evident, that
the Substances which Chymists are wont to call the Salts, and
Sulphurs, and Mercuries of Bodies, are not so pure and Elementary as
they presume, and as their Hypothesis requires. And this may
therefore be the more freely press'd upon the Chymists, because
neither the Paracelsians, nor the Helmontians can reject it
without apparent Injury to their respective Masters. For Helmont
do's more than once Inform his Readers, that both Paracelsus and
Himself were Possessors of the famous Liquor, Alkahest, which for
its great power in resolving Bodies irresoluble by Vulgar Fires, he
somewhere seems to call Ignis Gehennæ. To this Liquor he ascribes,
(and that in great part upon his own Experience) such wonders, that if
we suppose them all true, I am so much the more a Friend to Knowledge
than to Wealth, that I should think the Alkahest a nobler and more
desireable Secret than the Philosophers Stone it self. Of this
Universal Dissolvent he relates, That having digested with it for a
competent time a piece of Oaken Charcoal, it was thereby reduc'd into
a couple of new and distinct Liquors, discriminated from each other by
their Colour and Situation, and that the whole body of the Coal was
reduc'd into those Liquors, both of them separable from his Immortal
Menstruum, which remain'd as fit for such Operations as before. And
he moreover tells us in divers places of his Writings, that by this
powerful, and unwearied Agent, he could dissolve Metals, Marchasites,
Stones, Vegetable and Animal Bodies of what kinde soever, and even
Glass it self (first reduc'd to powder,) and in a word, all kinds of
mixt Bodies in the World into their several similar Substances,
without any Residence or Caput mortuum. And lastly, we may gather
this further from his Informations, That the homogeneous Substances
obtainable from compound Bodies by his piercing Liquor, were
oftentimes different enough both as to Number and as to Nature, from
those into which the same Bodies are wont to be divided by common
Fire. Of which I shall need in this place to mention no other proof,
then that whereas we know that in our common Analysis of a mixt
Body, there remains a terrestrial and very fixt Substance, oftentimes
associated with a Salt as fixt; Our Author tells us, that by his way
he could Distill over all Concretes without any Caput mortuum, and
consequently could make those parts of the Concrete volatile, which in
the Vulgar Analysis would have been fixt. So that if our Chymists
will not reject the solemn and repeated Testimony of a Person, who
cannot but be acknowledg'd for one of the greatest Spagyrists that
they can boast of, they must not deny that there is to be found in
Nature another Agent able to Analyze compound Bodies less violently,
and both more genuinely and more universally than the Fire. And for my
own part, though I cannot but say on this Occasion what (you know) our
Friend Mr. Boyle is wont to say, when he is askt his Opinion of any
strange Experiment; That He that hath seen it hath more Reason to
beleeve it, than He that hath not; yet I have found Helmont so
faithful a Writer, even in divers of his improbable Experiments (I
alwayes except that Extravagant Treatise De Magnetica Vulnerum
Curatione, which some of his Friends affirm to have been first
publish'd by his Enemies) that I think it somewhat harsh to give him
the Lye, especially to what he delivers upon his own proper Tryal. And
I have heard from very credible Eye-witnesses some things, and seen
some others my self, which argue so strongly, that a circulated Salt,
or a Menstruum (such as it may be) may by being abstracted from
compound Bodies, whether Mineral, Animal, or Vegetable, leave them
more unlockt than a wary Naturalist would easily beleeve, that I dare
not confidently measure the Power of Nature and Art by that of the
Menstruums, and other Instruments that eminent Chymists themselves
are as yet wont to Empoly [Errata: employ] about the Analyzing of
Bodies; nor Deny that a Menstruum may at least from this or that
particular Concrete obtain some apparently similar Substance,
differing from any obtainable from the same Body by any degree or
manner of Application of the Fire. And I am the more backward to deny
peremptorily, that there may be such Openers of compound Bodies,
because among the Experiments that make me speak thus warily, there
wanted not some in which it appear'd not, that one of the Substances
not separable by common Fires and Menstruums could retain any thing
of the Salt by which the separation was made.
And here, Eleutherius, (sayes Carneades) I should conclude as much
of my Discourse as belongs to the first Consideration I propos'd, but
that I foresee, that what I have delivered will appear liable to two
such specious Objections, that I cannot safely proceed any further
till I have examin'd them.
And first, one sort of Opposers will be forward to tell me, That they
do not pretend by Fire alone to separate out of all compound Bodies
their Hypostatical Principles; it being sufficient that the Fire
divides them into such, though afterwards they employ other Bodies to
collect the similar parts of the Compound; as 'tis known, that though
they make use of water to collect the Saline parts of Ashes from the
Terrestrial wherewith they are blended, yet it is the Fire only that
Incinerates Bodies, and reduces the fix'd part of them into the Salt
and Earth, whereof Ashes are made up. This Objection is not, I
confess, inconsiderable, and I might in great part allow of it,
without granting it to make against me, if I would content my self to
answer, that it is not against those that make it that I have been
disputing, but against those Vulgar Chymists, who themselves believe,
and would fain make others do so, That the Fire is not only an
universal, but an adæquate [Transcriber's Note: adequate] and
sufficient Instrument to analyze mixt Bodies with. For as to their
Practice of Extracting the fix'd Salt out of Ashes by the Affusion of
Water, 'tis obvious to alleadge, that the Water does only assemble
together the Salt the Fire had before divided from the Earth: as a
Sieve does not further break the Corn, but only bring together into
two distinct heaps the Flour and the Bran, whose Corpuscles before lay
promiscuously blended together in the Meal. This I say I might
alleadge, and thereby exempt my self from the need of taking any
farther notice of the propos'd Objection. But not to lose the Rise it
may afford me of Illustrating the matter under Consideration, I am
content briefly to consider it, as far forth as my present
Disquisition may be concern'd in it.
Not to repeat then what has been already answer'd, I say farther, that
though I am so civil an Adversary, that I will allow the Chymists,
after the Fire has done all its work, the use of fair Water to make
their Extractions with, in such cases wherein the Water does not
cooperate with the Fire to make the Analysis; yet since I Grant
this but upon Supposition that the Water does only wash off the Saline
Particles, which the Fire Alone has Before Extricated in the Analyz'd
Body, it will not be Reasonable, that this Concession should Extend to
other Liquors that may Add to what they Dissolve, nor so much as to
other Cases than those Newly Mentioned: Which Limitation I Desire You
would be Pleas'd to Bear in Mind till I shall Anon have Occasion to
make Use of it. And This being thus Premis'd, I shall Proceed to
First, That Many of the Instances I Propos'd in the Preceding
Discourse are Such, that the Objection we are Considering will not at
all Reach Them. For Fire can no more with the Assistance of Water than
without it Separate any of the Three Principles, either from Gold,
Silver, Mercury, or some Others of the Concretes named Above.
Hence We may Inferre, That Fire is not an Universal Analyzer of all
Mixt Bodies, since of Metals and Minerals, wherein Chymists have most
Exercis'd Themselves, there Appear scarce Any which they are able to
Analyze by Fire, Nay, from which they can Unquestionably Separate so
much as any One of their Hypostatical Principles; Which may well
Appear no small Disparagement as well to their Hypothesis as to
their Pretensions.
It will also remain True, notwithstanding the Objection, That there
may be Other Wayes than the wonted Analysis by Fire, to Separate
from a Compound Body Substances as Homogeneneous [Transcriber's Note:
Homogeneous] as those that Chymists Scruple not to Reckon among their
Tria Prima (as some of them, for Brevity Sake, call their Three
And it Appears, That by Convenient Additaments such Substances may be
Separated by the Help of the Fire, as could not be so by the Fire
alone: Witness the Sulphur of Antimony.
And Lastly, I must Represent, That since it appears too that the Fire
is but One of the Instruments that must be Employ'd in the Resolution
of Bodies, We may Reasonably Challenge the Liberty of doing Two
Things. For when ever any Menstruum or other Additament is Employ'd,
together with the Fire to Obtain a Sulphur or a Salt from a Body, We
may well take the Freedom to Examine, whether or no That Menstruum
do barely Help to Separate the Principle Obtain'd by It, or whether
there Intervene not a Coalition of the Parts of the Body Wrought upon
with Those of the Menstruum, whereby the Produc'd Concrete may be
Judg'd to Result from the Union of Both. And it will be farther
Allowable for Us to Consider, how far any Substance, Separated by the
Help of such Additaments, Ought to pass for one of the Tria Prima;
since by One Way of Handling the same Mixt Body it may according to
the Nature of the Additaments, and the Method of Working upon it, be
made to Afford differing Substances from those Obtainable from it by
other Additaments, and another Method, nay and (as may appear by what
I Formerly told You about Tartar) Differing from any of the Substances
into which a Concrete is Divisible by the Fire without Additaments,
though perhaps those Additaments do not, as Ingredients, enter the
Composition of the Obtained Body, but only Diversify the Operation of
the Fire upon the Concrete; and though that Concrete by the Fire
alone may be Divided into a Number of Differing Substances, as Great
as any of the Chymists that I have met with teach us that of the
Elements to be. And having said thus much (sayes Carneades) to the
Objection likely to be Propos'd by some Chymists, I am now to Examine
that which I Foresee will be Confidently press'd by Divers
Peripateticks, who, to Prove Fire to be the true Analyzer of Bodies,
will Plead, That it is the very Definition of Heat given by
Aristotle, and Generally Received, Congregare Homogenea, &
Heterogenea Segregare, to Assemble Things of a Resembling, and
Disjoyn those of a Differing Nature. To this I answer, That this
Effect is far from being so Essential to Heat, as 'tis Generally
Imagin'd; for it rather Seems, that the True and Genuine Property of
Heat is, to set a Moving, and thereby to Dissociate the parts of
Bodies, and Subdivide them into Minute Particles, without regard to
their being Homogeneous or Heterogeneous, as is apparent in the
Boyling of Water, the Distillation of Quicksilver, or the Exposing of
Bodies to the action of the Fire, whose Parts either Are not (at
least in that Degree of Heat Appear not) Dissimilar, where all that
the Fire can do, is to Divide the Body into very Minute Parts which
are of the same Nature with one another, and with their Totum, as
their Reduction by Condensation Evinces. And even when the Fire seems
most so Congregare Homogenea, & Segregare Heterogenea, it Produces
that Effect but by Accident; For the Fire does but Dissolve the
Cement, or rather Shatter the Frame, or [tructure [Errata: structure]
that kept the Heterogeneous Parts of Bodies together, under one Common
Form; upon which Dissolution the Component Particles of the Mixt,
being Freed and set at Liberty, do Naturally, and oftentimes without
any Operation of the Fire, Associate themselves each with its Like, or
rather do take those places which their Several Degrees of Gravity and
Levity, Fixedness or Volatility (either Natural, or Adventitious from
the Impression of the Fire) Assigne them. Thus in the Distillation
(for Instance) of Man's Blood, the Fire do's First begin to Dissolve
the Nexus or Cement of the Body; and then the Water, being the most
Volatile, and Easy to be Extracted, is either by the Igneous Atomes,
or the Agitation they are put into by the Fire, first carried up, till
Forsaken by what carried it up, its Weight sinks it down into the
Receiver: but all this while the other Principles of the Concrete
Remain Unsever'd, and Require a stronger Degree of Heat to make a
Separation of its more Fixt Elements; and therefore the Fire must be
Increas'd which Carries over the Volatile Salt and the Spirit, they
being, though Beleev'd to be Differing Principles, and though Really
of Different Consistency, yet of an almost Equal Volatility. After
them, as less Fugitive, comes over the Oyl, and leaves behinde the
Earth and the Alcali, which being of an Equal Fixednesse, the Fire
Severs them not, for all the Definition of the Schools. And if into a
Red-hot Earthen or Iron Retort you cast the Matter to be Distill'd,
You may Observe, as I have often done, that the Predominant Fire will
Carry up all the Volatile Elements Confusedly in one Fume, which will
afterwards take their Places in the Receiver, either according to the
Degree of their Gravity, or according to the Exigency of their
respective Textures; the Salt Adhering, for the most part, to the
Sides and Top, and the Phlegme Fastening it self there too in great
Drops, the Oyle and Spirit placing themselves Under, or Above one
another, according as their Ponderousness makes them Swim or Sink. For
'tis Observable, that though Oyl or Liquid Sulphur be one of the
Elements Separated by this Fiery Analysis, yet the Heat which
Accidentally Unites the Particles of the other Volatile Principles,
has not alwayes the same Operation on this, there being divers Bodies
which Yield Two Oyls, whereof the One sinks to the Bottom of that
Spirit on which the other Swims; as I can shew You in some Oyls of the
same Deers Blood, which are yet by Me: Nay I can shew you Two Oyls
carefully made of the same Parcel of Humane Blood, which not only
Differ extreamly in Colour, but Swim upon one another without Mixture,
and if by Agitation Confounded will of themselves Divorce again.
And that the Fire doth oftentimes divide Bodies, upon the account that
some of their Parts are more Fixt, and some more Volatile, how far
soever either of these Two may be from a pure Elementary Nature is
Obvious enough, if Men would but heed it in the Burning of Wood, which
the Fire Dissipates into Smoake and Ashes: For not only the latter of
these is Confessedly made up of two such Differing Bodies as Earth and
Salt; but the Former being condens'd into that Soot which adheres to
our Chimneys, Discovers it self to Contain both Salt and Oyl, and
Spirit and Earth, (and some Portion of Phlegme too) which being, all
almost, Equally Volatile to that Degree of Fire which Forces them up,
(the more Volatile Parts Helping perhaps, as well as the Urgency of
the Fire, to carry up the more Fixt ones, as I have often Try'd in
Dulcify'd Colcothar, Sublim'd by Sal Armoniack Blended with it)
are carried Up together, but may afterwards be Separated by other
Degrees of Fire, whose orderly Gradation allowes the Disparity of
their Volatileness to Discover it self. Besides, if Differing Bodies
United into one Mass be both sufficiently Fixt, the Fire finding no
Parts Volatile enough to be Expell'd or carried up, makes no
Separation at all; as may appear by a Mixture of Colliquated Silver
and Gold, whose Component Metals may be easily Sever'd by Aqua
Fortis, or Aqua Regis (according to the Predominancy of the Silver
or the Gold) but in the Fire alone, though vehement, the Metals remain
unsever'd, the Fire only dividing the Body into smaller Particles
(whose Littlenesse may be argu'd from their Fluidity) in which either
the little nimble Atoms of Fire, or its brisk and numberless strokes
upon the Vessels, hinder Rest and Continuity, without any
Sequestration of Elementary Principles. Moreover, the Fire sometimes
does not Separate, so much as Unite, Bodies of a differing Nature;
provided they be of an almost resembling Fixedness, and have in the
Figure of their Parts an Aptness to Coalition, as we see in the making
of many Plaisters, Oyntments, &c. And in such Metalline Mixtures as
that made by Melting together two parts of clean Brass with one of
pure Copper, of which some Ingenious Trades-men cast such curious
Patterns (for Gold and Silver Works) as I have sometimes taken great
Pleasure to Look upon. Sometimes the Bodies mingled by the Fire are
Differing enough as to Fixidity and Volatility, and yet are so
combin'd by the first Operation of the Fire, that it self does scarce
afterwards Separate them, but only Pulverize them; whereof an Instance
is afforded us by the Common Preparation of Mercurius Dulcis, where
the Saline Particles of the Vitriol, Sea Salt, and sometimes Nitre,
Employ'd to make the Sublimate, do so unite themselves with the
Mercurial Particles made use of, first to Make Sublimate, and then to
Dulcifie it, that the Saline and Metalline Parts arise together in
many successive Sublimations, as if they all made but one Body. And
sometimes too the Fire does not only not Sever the Differing Elements
of a Body, but Combine them so firmly, that Nature her self does very
seldom, if ever, make Unions less Dissoluble. For the Fire meeting
with some Bodies exceedingly and almost equally Fixt, instead of
making a Separation, makes an Union so strict, that it self, alone, is
unable to Dissolve it; As we see, when an Alcalizate Salt and the
Terrestrial Residue of the Ashes are Incorporated with pure Sand, and
by Vitrification made one permanent Body, (I mean the course or
greenish sort of Glass) that mocks the greatest Violence of the Fire,
which though able to Marry the Ingredients of it, yet is not able to
Divorce them. I can shew you some pieces of Glass which I saw flow
down from an Earthen Crucible purposely Expos'd for a good while, with
Silver in it, to a very vehement Fire. And some that deal much in the
Fusion of Metals Informe me, that the melting of a great part of a
Crucible into Glass is no great Wonder in their Furnaces. I remember,
I have Observ'd too in the Melting of great Quantities of Iron out of
the Oar, by the Help of store of Charcoal (for they Affirm that
Sea-Coal will not yield a Flame strong enough) that by the prodigious
Vehemence of the Fire, Excited by vast Bellows (made to play by great
Wheels turn'd about by Water) part of the Materials Expos'd to it was,
instead of being Analyz'd, Colliquated, and turn'd into a Dark, Solid
and very Ponderous Glass, and that in such Quantity, that in some
places I have seen the very High-wayes, neer such Iron-works, mended
with Heaps of such Lumps of Glasse, instead of Stones and Gravel. And
I have also Observ'd, that some kind of Fire-stone it Self, having
been employ'd in Furnaces wherein it was expos'd to very strong and
lasting Fires, has had all its Fixt Parts so Wrought on by the Fire,
as to be Perfectly Vitrifi'd, which I have try'd by Forcing from it
Pretty large Pieces of Perfect and Transparent Glass. And lest You
might think, Eleutherius, that the Question'd Definition of Heat may
be Demonstrated, by the Definition which is wont to be given and
Acquiesc'd in, of its contrary Quality, Cold, whose property is taught
to be tam Homogenea, quam Heterogenea congregare; Give me leave to
represent to You, that neither is this Definition unquestionable; for
not to Mention the Exceptions, which a Logician, as such, may Take
at it, I Consider that the Union of Heterogeneous Bodies which is
Suppos'd to be the Genuine Production of Cold, is not Perform'd by
every Degree of Cold. For we see for Instance that in the Urine of
Healthy Men, when the Liquor has been Suffer'd a while to stand, the
Cold makes a Separation of the Thinner Part from the Grosser, which
Subsides to the Bottom, and Growes Opacous there; whereas if the
Urinal be Warme, these Parts readily Mingle again, and the whole
Liquor becomes Transparent as before. And when, by Glaciation, Wood,
Straw, Dust, Water, &c. are Suppos'd to be United into one Lump of
Ice, the Cold does not Cause any Real Union or Adunation, (if I may so
Speak) of these Bodies, but only Hardening the Aqueous Parts of the
Liquor into Ice, the other Bodies being Accidentally Present in that
Liquor are frozen up in it, but not Really United. And accordingly if
we Expose a Heap of Mony Consisting of Gold, Silver and Copper Coynes,
or any other Bodies of Differing Natures, which are Destitute of
Aqueous Moisture, Capable of Congelation, to never so intense a Cold,
we find not that these Differing Bodies are at all thereby so much as
Compacted, much less United together; and even in Liquors Themselves
we find Phænomena which Induce us to Question the Definition which
we are examining. If Paracelsus his Authority were to be look't upon
as a Sufficient Proof in matters of this Nature, I might here insist
on that Process of his, whereby he Teaches that the Essence of Wine
may be Sever'd from the Phlegme and Ignoble Part by the Assistance of
Congelation: and because much Weight has been laid upon this Process,
not only by Paracelsians, but other Writers, some of whom seem not
to have perus'd it themselves, I shall give You the entire Passage in
the Authors own Words, as I lately found them in the sixth Book of his
Archidoxis, an Extract whereof I have yet about me; and it sounds
thus. De Vino sciendum est, fæcem phlegmaque ejus esse Mineram, &
Vini substantiam esse corpus in quo conservatur Essentia, prout auri
in auro latet Essentia. Juxta quod Practicam nobis ad Memoriam
ponimus, ut non obliviscamur, ad hunc modum: Recipe Vinum
vetustissimum & optimum quod habere poteris, calore saporeque ad
placitum, hoc in vas vitreum infundas ut tertiam ejus partem impleat,
& sigillo Hermetis occlusum in equino ventre mensibus quatuor, & in
continuato calore teneatur qui non deficiat. Quo peracto, Hyeme cum
frigus & gelu maxime sæviunt, his per mensem exponatur ut congeletur.
Ad hunc modum frigus vini spiritum una cum ejus substantia protrudit
in vini centrum, ac separat a phlegmate: Congelatum abjice, quod vero
congelatum non est, id Spiritum cum substantia esse judicato. Hunc in
Pelicanum positum in arenæ digestione non adeo calida per aliquod
tempus manere finito; Postmodum eximito vini Magisterium, de quo
locuti sumus.
But I dare not Eleu. lay much Weight upon this Process, because I
have found that if it were True, it would be but seldom Practicable in
this Country upon the best Wine: for Though this present Winter hath
been Extraordinary Cold, yet in very Keen Frosts accompanied with
lasting Snowes, I have not been able in any Measure to Freeze a thin
Vial full of Sack; and even with Snow and Salt I could Freeze little
more then the Surface of it; and I suppose Eleu. that tis not every
Degree of Cold that is Capable of Congealing Liquors, which is able to
make such an Analysis (if I may so call it) of them by Separating
their Aqueous and Spirituous Parts; for I have sometimes, though not
often, frozen severally, Red-wine, Urine and Milk, but could not
Observe the expected Separation. And the Dutch-Men that were forc'd to
Winter in that Icie Region neer the Artick Circle, call'd Nova
Zembla, although they relate, as we shall see below, that there was a
Separation of Parts made in their frozen Beer about the middle of
November, yet of the Freezing of their Back [Errata: Sack] in
December following they give but this Account: Yea and our Sack,
which is so hot, was Frozen very hard, so that when we were every Man
to have his part, we were forc'd to melt it in the Fire; which we
shar'd every second Day, about half a Pinte for a Man, wherewith we
were forc'd to sustain our selves. In which words they imply not,
that their Back [Errata: Sack] was divided by the Frost into differing
Substances, after such manner as their Beer had been. All which
notwithstanding, Eleu. suppose that it may be made to appear, that
even Cold sometimes may Congregare Homogenea, & Heterogenea
Segregare: and to Manifest this I may tell you, that I did once,
purposely cause to be Decocted in fair Water a Plant abounding with
Sulphureous and Spirituous Parts, and having expos'd the Decoction to
a keen North-Wind in a very Frosty Night, I observ'd, that the more
Aqueous Parts of it were turn'd by the next Morning into Ice, towards
the innermost part of which, the more Agile and Spirituous parts, as I
then conjectur'd, having Retreated, to shun as much as might be their
Environing Enemy, they had there preserv'd themselves unfrozen in the
Form of a high colour'd Liquor, the Aqueous and Spirituous parts
having been so sleightly (Blended rather than) United in the
Decoction, that they were easily Separable by such a Degree of Cold as
would not have been able to have Divorc'd the Parts of Urine or Wine,
which by Fermentation or Digestion are wont, as Tryal has inform'd me,
to be more intimately associated each with other. But I have already
intimated, Eleutherius, that I shall not Insist on this Experiment,
not only because, having made it but once I may possibly have been
mistaken in it; but also (and that principally) because of that much
more full and eminent Experiment of the Separative Virtue of extream
Cold, that was made, against their Wills, by the foremention'd Dutch
men that Winter'd in Nova Zembla; the Relation of whose Voyage being
a very scarce Book, it will not be amiss to give you that Memorable
part of it which concerns our present Theme, as I caus'd the Passage
to be extracted out of the Englished Voyage it self.
"Gerard de Veer, John Cornelyson and Others, sent out of
Amsterdam, Anno Dom. 1596. being forc'd by unseasonable Weather to
Winter in Nova Zembla, neer Ice-Haven; on the thirteenth of
October, Three of us (sayes the Relation) went aboard the Ship, and
laded a Sled with Beer; but when we had laden it, thinking to go to
our House with it, suddenly there arose such a Winde, and so great a
Storm and Cold, that we were forc'd to go into the Ship again, because
we were not able to stay without; and we could not get the Beer into
the Ship again, but were forc'd to let it stand without upon the Sled:
the Fourteenth, as we came out of the Ship, we found the Barrel of
Beer standing upon the Sled, but it was fast frozen at the Heads; yet
by reason of the great Cold, the Beer that purg'd out froze as hard
upon the Side of the Barrel, as if it had been glu'd thereon: and in
that sort we drew it to our House, and set the Barrel an end, and
drank it up; but first we were forc'd to melt the Beer, for there was
scarce any unfrozen Beer in the barrel; but in that thick Yiest that
was unfrozen lay the Strength of the Beer, so that it was too strong
to drink alone, and that which was frozen tasted like Water; and being
melted we Mix'd one with the other, and so drank it; but it had
neither Strength nor Taste."
And on this Occasion I remember, that having the last very Sharp
Winter purposely try'd to Freeze, among other Liquors, some Beer
moderately strong, in Glass Vessels, with Snow and Salt, I observ'd,
that there came out of the Neck a certain thick Substance, which, it
seems, was much better able then the rest of the Liquor (that I found
turn'd into Ice) to resist a Frost, and which, by its Colour and
consistence seem'd mafestly [Transcriber's Note: manifestly] enough
to be Yiest, whereat, I confess, I somewhat marvail'd, because I did
not either discerne by the Taste, or find by Enquiry, that the Beer
was at all too New to be very fit to be Drank. I might confirm the
Dutchmens Relation, by what happen'd a while since to a neere Friend
of mine, who complained to me, that having Brew'd some Beer or Ale for
his own drinking in Holland (where he then dwelt) the Keenness of
the late bitter Winter froze the Drink so as to reduce it into Ice,
and a small Proportion of a very Strong and Spirituous Liquor. But I
must not entertain you any longer concerning Cold, not onely because
you may think I have but lost my way into a Theme which does not
directly belong to my present Undertaking; but because I have already
enlarg'd my self too much upon the first Consideration I propos'd,
though it appears so much a Paradox, that it seem'd to Require that I
should say much to keep it from being thought a meere Extravagance;
yet since I Undertook but to make the common Assumption of our
Chymists and Aristotelians appear Questionable, I hope I have so
Perform'd that Task, that I may now Proceed to my Following
Considerations, and Insist lesse on them than I have done on the