Sir Robert Boyle
The Sixth Part
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6

A Paradoxical Appendix to the Foregoing Treatise.
Here Carneades Having Dispach't what he Thought Requisite to oppose
against what the Chymists are wont to alledge for Proof of their three
Principles, Paus'd awhile, and look'd about him, to discover whether
it were Time for him and his Friend to Rejoyne the Rest of the
Company. But Eleutherius perceiving nothing yet to forbid Them to
Prosecute their Discourse a little further, said to his Friend, (who
had likewise taken Notice of the same thing) I halfe expected,
Carneades, that after you had so freely declar'd Your doubting,
whether there be any Determinate Number of Elements, You would have
proceeded to question whether there be any Elements at all. And I
confess it will be a Trouble to me if You defeat me of my Expectation;
especially since you see the leasure we have allow'd us may probably
suffice to examine that Paradox; because you have so largly Deduc'd
already many Things pertinent to it, that you need but intimate how
you would have them Apply'd, and what you would inferr from them.
Carneades having in Vain represented that their leasure could be but
very short, that he had already prated very long, that he was
unprepared to maintain so great and so invidious a Paradox, was at
length prevail'd with to tell his Friend; Since, Eleutherius, you
will have me Discourse Ex Tempore of the Paradox you mention, I am
content, (though more perhaps to express my Obedience, then my
Opinion) to tell you that (supposing the Truth of Helmonts and
Paracelsus's Alkahestical Experiments, if I may so call them) though
it may seem extravagant, yet it is not absurd to doubt, whether, for
ought has been prov'd, there be a necessity to admit any Elements, or
Hypostatical Principles, at all.
And, as formerly, so now, to avoid the needless trouble of Disputing
severally with the Aristotelians and the Chymists, I will address my
self to oppose them I have last nam'd, Because their Doctrine about
the Elements is more applauded by the Moderns, as pretending highly to
be grounded upon Experience. And, to deal not only fairly but
favourably with them, I will allow them to take in Earth and Water to
their other Principles. Which I consent to, the rather that my
Discourse may the better reach the Tenents of the Peripateticks; who
cannot plead for any so probably as for those two Elements; that of
fire above the Air being Generally by Judicious Men exploded as an
Imaginary thing; And the Air not concurring to compose Mixt Bodies as
one of their Elements, but only lodging in their pores, or Rather
replenishing, by reason of its Weight and Fluidity, all those Cavities
of bodies here below, whether compounded or not, that are big enough
to admit it, and are not fill'd up with any grosser substance.
And, to prevent mistakes, I must advertize You, that I now mean by
Elements, as those Chymists that speak plainest do by their
Principles, certain Primitive and Simple, or perfectly unmingled
bodies; which not being made of any other bodies, or of one another,
are the Ingredients of which all those call'd perfectly mixt Bodies
are immediately compounded, and into which they are ultimately
resolved: now whether there be any one such body to be constantly met
with in all, and each, of those that are said to be Elemented bodies,
is the thing I now question.
By this State of the controversie you will, I suppose, Guess, that I
need not be so absur'd [Errata: absurd] as to deny that there are such
bodies as Earth, and Water, and Quicksilver, and Sulphur: But I look
upon Earth and Water, as component parts of the Universe, or rather
of the Terrestrial Globe, not of all mixt bodies. And though I will
not peremptorily deny that there may sometimes either a running
Mercury, or a Combustible Substance be obtain'd from a Mineral, or
even a Metal; yet I need not Concede either of them to be an Element
in the sence above declar'd; as I shall have occasion to shew you by
and by.
To give you then a brief account of the grounds I intend to proceed
upon, I must tell you, that in matters of Philosophy, this seems to me
a sufficient reason to doubt of a known and important proposition,
that the Truth of it is not yet by any competent proof made to appear.
And congruously herunto, if I shew that the grounds upon which men are
perswaded that there are Elements are unable to satisfie a considering
man, I suppose my doubts will appear rational.
Now the Considerations that induce men to think that there are
Elements, may be conveniently enough referr'd to two heads. Namely,
the one, that it is necessary that Nature make use of Elements to
constitute the bodies that are reputed Mixt. And the other, That the
Resolution of such bodies manifests that nature had compounded them of
Elementary ones.
In reference to the former of these Considerations, there are two or
three things that I have to Represent.
And I will begin with reminding you of the Experiments I not long
since related to you concerning the growth of pompions, mint, and
other vegetables, out of fair water. For by those experiments its
seems evident, that Water may be Transmuted into all the other
Elements; from whence it may be inferr'd, both, That 'tis not every
Thing Chymists will call Salt, Sulphur, or Spirit, that needs alwayes
be a Primordiate and Ingenerable body. And that Nature may contex a
Plant (though that be a perfectly mixt Concrete) without having all
the Elements previously presented to her to compound it of. And, if
you will allow the relation I mention'd out of Mounsieur De Rochas
to be True; then may not only plants, but Animals and Minerals too, be
produced out of Water, And however there is little doubt to be made,
but that the plants my tryals afforded me as they were like in so
many other respects to the rest of the plants of the same
Denomination; so they would, in case I had reduc'd them to
putrefaction, have likewise produc'd Wormes or other insects, as well
as the resembling Vegetables are wont to do; so that Water may, by
Various Seminal Principles, be successively Transmuted into both
plants and Animals. And if we consider that not only Men, but even
sucking Children are, but too often, Tormented with Solid Stones, but
that divers sorts of Beasts themselves, (whatever Helmont against
Experience think to the contrary) may be Troubled with great and Heavy
stones in their Kidneys and Bladders, though they Feed but upon Grass
and other Vegetables, that are perhaps but Disguised Water, it will
not seem improbable that even some Concretes of a mineral Nature, may
Likewise be form'd of Water.
We may further Take notice, that as a Plant may be nourisht, and
consequently may Consist of Common water; so may both plants and
Animals, (perhaps even from their Seminal Rudiments) consist of
compound Bodies, without having any thing meerly Elementary brought
them by nature to be compounded by them: This is evident in divers
men, who whilst they were Infants were fed only with Milk, afterwards
Live altogether upon Flesh, Fish, wine, and other perfectly mixt
Bodies. It may be seen also in sheep, who on some of our English Downs
or Plains, grow very fat by feeding upon the grasse, without scarce
drinking at all. And yet more manifestly in the magots that breed and
grow up to their full bignesse within the pulps of Apples, Pears, or
the like Fruit. We see also, that Dungs that abound with a mixt Salt
give a much more speedy increment to corn and other Vegetables than
Water alone would do: And it hath been assur'd me, by a man
experienc'd in such matters, that sometimes when to bring up roots
very early, the Mould they were planted in was made over-rich, the
very substance of the Plant has tasted of the Dung. And let us also
consider a Graft of one kind of Fruit upon the upper bough of a Tree
of another kind. As for instance, the Ciens of a Pear upon a
White-thorne; for there the ascending Liquor is already alter'd,
either by the root, or in its ascent by the bark, or both wayes, and
becomes a new mixt body: as may appear by the differing qualities to
be met with in the saps of several trees; as particularly, the
medicinal vertue of the Birch-Water (which I have sometimes drunk upon
Helmonts great and not undeserved commendation) Now the graft, being
fasten'd to the stock must necessarily nourish its self, and produce
its Fruit, only out of this compound Juice prepared for it by the
Stock, being unable to come at any other aliment. And if we consider,
how much of the Vegetable he feeds upon may (as we noted above) remain
in an Animal; we may easily suppose, That the blood of that Animal who
Feeds upon this, though it be a Well constituted Liquor, and have all
the differing Corpuscles that make it up kept in order by one
præsiding form, may be a strangely Decompounded Body, many of its
parts being themselves decompounded. So little is it Necessary that
even in the mixtures which nature her self makes in Animal and
Vegetable Bodies, she should have pure Elements at hand to make her
compositions of.
Having said thus much touching the constitution of Plants and Animals,
I might perhaps be able to say as much touching that of Minerals, and
even Metalls, if it were as easy for us to make experiment in Order to
the production of these, as of those. But the growth or increment of
Minerals being usually a work of excessively long time, and for the
most part perform'd in the bowels of the Earth, where we cannot see
it, I must instead of Experiments make use, on this occasion, of
That stones were not all made at once, but that are some of them now
adayes generated, may (though it be deny'd by some) be fully prov'd by
several examples, of which I shall now scarce alledg any other, then
that famous place in France known by the name of Les Caves
Gentieres [Errata: Goutieres], where the Water falling from the upper
Parts of the cave to the ground does presently there condense into
little stones, of such figures as the drops, falling either severally
or upon one another, and coagulating presently into stone, chance to
exhibit. Of these stones some Ingenuous Friends of ours, that went a
while since to visit that place, did me the favour to present me with
some that they brought thence. And I remember that both that sober
Relator of his Voyages, Van Linschoten, and another good Author,
inform us that in the Diamond Mines (as they call them) in the
East-Indies, when having dig'd the Earth, though to no great depth,
they find Diamonds and take them quite away; Yet in a very few years
they find in the same place new Diamonds produc'd there since. From
both which Relations, especially the first, it seems probable that
Nature does not alwayes stay for divers Elementary Bodies, when she is
to produce stones. And as for Metals themselves, Authors of good note
assure us, that even they were not in the beginning produc'd at once
altogether, but have been observ'd to grow; so that what was not a
Mineral or Metal before became one afterwards. Of this it were easie
to alledg many testimonies of professed Chymists. But that they may
have the greater authority, I shall rather present you with a few
borrowed from more unsuspected writers. Sulphuris Mineram (as the
inquisitive P. Fallopius notes) quæ nutrix est caloris subterranei
fabri seu Archæi fontium & mineralium, Infra terram citissime renasci
testantur Historiæ Metallicæ. Sunt enim loca e quibus si hoc anno
sulphur effossum fuerit; intermissa fossione per quadriennium redeunt
fossores & omnia sulphure, ut autea [Errata: antea], rursus inveniunt
plena. Pliny Relates, In Italiæ Insula Ilva, gigni ferri
metallum. Strabo multo expressius; effossum ibi metallum semper
regenerari. Nam si effossio spatio centum annorum intermittebatur, &
iterum illuc revertebantur, fossores reperisse maximam copiam ferri
regeneratam. Which history not only is countenanced by Fallopius,
from the Incom which the Iron of that Island yielded the Duke of
Florence in his time; but is mention'd more expressely to our
purpose, by the Learned Cesalpinus. Vena (sayes he) ferri
copiosissima est in Italia; ob eam nobilitata Ilva Tirrheni maris
Insula incredibili copia, etiam nostris temporibus eam gignens: Nam
terra quæ eruitur dum vena effoditur tota, procedente tempore in venam
convertitur. Which last clause is therefore very notable, because
from thence we may deduce, that earth, by a Metalline plastick
principle latent in it, may be in processe of time chang'd into a
metal. And even Agricola himself, though the Chymists complain of
him as their adversary, acknowledges thus much and more; by telling us
that at a Town called Saga in Germany,[30] they dig up Iron in the
Fields, by sinking ditches two foot deep; And adding, that within the
space of ten years the Ditches are digged again for Iron since
produced, As the same Metal is wont to be obtain'd in Elva. Also
concerning Lead, not to mention what even Galen notes, that it will
increase both in bulk and Weight if it be long kept in Vaults or
Sellars, where the Air is gross and thick, as he collects from the
smelling of those pieces of Lead that were imploy'd to fasten together
the parts of old Statues. Not to mention this, I say, Boccacius
Certaldus, as I find him Quoted by a Diligent Writer, has this
Passage touching the Growth of Lead. Fessularum mons (sayes he) in
Hetruria, Florentiæ civitati imminens, lapides plumbarios habet; qui
si excidantur, brevi temporis spatio, novis incrementis instaurantur;
ut (annexes my Author) tradit Boccacius Certaldus, qui id
compotissimum [Errata: compertissimum] esse scribit. Nihil hoc novi
est; sed de eadem Plinius, lib. 34. Hist. Natur. cap. 17. dudum
prodidit, Inquiens, mirum in his solis plumbi metallis, quod derelicta
fertilius reviviscunt. In plumbariis secundo Lapide ab Amberga dictis
ad Asylum recrementa congesta in cumulos, exposita solibus pluviisque
paucis annis, redunt suum metallum cum fenore. I might Add to these,
continues Carneades, many things that I have met with concerning the
Generation of Gold and Silver. But, for fear of wanting time, I shall
mention but two or three Narratives. The First you may find Recorded
by Gerhardus the Physick Professor, in these Words. In valle
(sayes he) Joachimaca [Errata: Joachimica] argentum gramini [Errata:
graminis] modo & more e Lapidibus mineræ velut e radice excrevisse
digiti Longitudine, testis est Dr. Schreterus, qui ejusmodi venas
aspectu jucundas & admirabiles Domi sua aliis sæpe monstravit &
Donavit. Item Aqua cærulea Inventa est Annebergæ, ubi argentum erat
adhuc in primo ente, quæ coagulata redacta est in calcem fixi & boni
[Footnote 30: In Lygiis, ad Sagam opidum; in pratis eruitur ferrum,
fossis ad altitudinem bipedaneam actis. Id decennio renatum denuo
foditur non aliter ac Ilvæ ferrum.]
The other two Relations I have not met with in Latine Authours, and
yet they are both very memorable in themselves, and as pertinent to
our present purpose.
The first I meet with in the Commentary of Johannes Valehius upon
the Kleine Baur, In which that Industrious Chymist Relates, with
many circumstances, that at a Mine-Town (If I may so English the
German Bergstat) eight miles or Leagues distant from Strasburg
call'd Mariakirch, a Workman came to the Overseer, and desired
employment; but he telling him that there was not any of the best sort
at present for him, added that till he could be preferr'd to some
such, he might in the mean time, to avoid idleness, work in a Grove or
Mine-pit thereabouts, which at that time was little esteem'd. This
Workman after some weeks Labour, had by a Crack appearing in the Stone
upon a Stroak given near the wall, an Invitation Given him to Work his
Way through, which as soon as he had done, his Eyes were saluted by a
mighty stone or Lump which stood in the middle of the Cleft (that had
a hollow place behind it) upright, and in shew like an armed-man; but
consisted of pure fine Silver having no Vein or Ore by it, or any
other Additament, but stood there free, having only underfoot
something like a burnt matter; and yet this one Lump held in Weight
above a 1000 marks, which, according to the Dutch, Account [Errata:
Dutch account] makes 500 pound weight of fine silver. From which and
other Circumstances my Author gathers; That by the warmth of the
place, the Noble Metalline Spirits, (Sulphureous and Mercurial) were
carri'd from the neighbouring Galleries or Vaults, through other
smaller Cracks and Clefts, into that Cavity, and there collected as in
a close Chamber or Cellar; whereinto when they were gotten, they did
in process of time settle into the forementioned precious mass of
The other Germane Relation is of That great Traveller and Laborious
Chymist Johannes (not Georgus) Agricola; who in his notes upon
what Poppius has written of Antimony, Relates, that when he was
among the Hungarian Mines in the deep Groves, he observ'd that there
would often arise in them a warm Steam (not of that malignant sort
which the Germains call Shwadt, which (sayes he) is a meer poyson,
and often suffocates the Diggers [Errata: diggers)], which fasten'd it
self to the Walls; and that coming again to review it after a couple
of dayes, he discern'd that it was all very fast, and glistering;
whereupon having collected it and Distill'd it per Retortam, he
obtain'd from it a fine Spirit, adding, that the Mine-Men inform'd
him, that this Steam or Damp of the English Mine [Errata: damp as the
Englishmen also call it] (retaining the dutch Term) would at last have
become a Metal, as Gold or Silver.
I referr (sayes Carneades) to another Occasion, the Use that may be
made of these Narratives towards the explicating the Nature of
Metalls; and that of Fixtness, Malleableness, and some other Qualities
conspicuous in them. And in the mean time, this I may at present
deduce from these Observations, That 'tis not very probable, that,
whensoever a Mineral, or even a Metall, is to be Generated in the
Bowels of the Earth, Nature needs to have at hand both Salt, and
Sulphur, and Mercury to Compound it of; for, not to urge that the two
last Relations seem less to favour the Chymists than Aristotle, who
would have Metals Generated of certain Halitus or steams, the
foremention'd Observations together, make it seem more Likely that the
mineral Earths or those Metalline steams (wherewith probably such
Earths are plentifully imbu'd) do contain in them some seminal
Rudiment, or some thing Equivalent thereunto; by whose plastick power
the rest of the matter, though perhaps Terrestrial and heavy, is in
Tract of time fashion'd into this or That metalline Ore; almost as I
formerly noted, that fair water was by the seminal Principle of Mint,
Pompions, and other Vegetables, contriv'd into Bodies answerable to
such Seeds. And that such Alterations of Terrestrial matter are not
impossible, seems evident from that notable Practice of the Boylers of
Salt-Petre, who unanimously observe, as well here in England as in
other Countries; That if an Earth pregnant with Nitre be depriv'd, by
the affusion of water, of all its true and dissoluble Salt, yet the
Earth will after some years yield them Salt-Petre again; For which
reason some of the eminent and skillfullest of them keep it in heaps
as a perpetual Mine of Salt Petre; whence it may appear, that the
Seminal Principle of Nitre latent in the Earth does by degrees
Transforme the neighbouring matter into a Nitrous Body; for though I
deny that some Volatile Nitre may by such Earths be attracted (as they
speak) out of the Air, yet that the innermost parts of such great
heaps that lye so remote from the Air should borrow from it all the
Nitre they abound with, is not probable, for other reasons besides the
remoteness of the Air, though I have not the Leasure to mention them.
And I remember, that a person of Great Credit, and well acquainted
with the wayes of making Vitriol, affirm'd to me, that he had
observ'd, that a kind of mineral which abounds in that Salt, being
kept within Doors and not expos'd (as is usual) to the free Air and
Rains, did of it self in no very long time turn into Vitriol, not only
in the outward or superficial, but even in the internal and most
Central parts.
And I also remember, that I met with a certain kind of Merkasite that
lay together in great Quantities under ground, which did, even in my
chamber, in so few hours begin of it self to turne into Vitriol, that
we need not distrust the newly recited narrative. But to return to
what I was saying of Nitre; as Nature made this Salt-Petre out of the
once almost and inodorous Earth it was bred in, and did not find a
very stinking and corrosive Acid Liquor, and a sharp Alcalyzate Salt
to compound it of, though these be the Bodies into which the Fire
dissolves it; so it were not necessary that Nature should make up all
Metals and other Minerals of Pre-existent Salt, and Sulphur, and
Mercury, though such Bodies might by Fire be obtained from it. Which
one consideration duly weigh'd is very considerable in the present
controversy: And to this agree well the Relations of our two German
Chymists; for besides that it cannot be convincingly prov'd, it is not
so much as likely that so languid and moderate a heat as that within
the Mines, should carry up to so great a heat [Errata: height], though
in the forme of fumes, Salt, Sulphur and Mercury; since we find in our
Distillations, that it requires a considerable Degree of Fire to raise
so much as to the height of one foot not only Salt, but even Mercury
it self, in close Vessels. And if it be objected, that it seems by the
stink that is sometimes observ'd when Lightening falls down here
below, that sulphureous steams may ascend very high without any
extraordinary Degree of heat; It may be answer'd, among other things,
that the Sulphur of Silver is by Chymists said to be a fixt Sulphur,
though not altogether so well Digested as that of Gold.
But, proceeds Carneades, If it had not been to afford You some hints
concerning the Origine of Metals, I need not have deduc'd any thing
from these Observations; It not being necessary to the Validity of my
Argument that my Deductions from them should be irrefragable, because
my Adversaries the Aristotelians and Vulgar Chymists do not, I
presume, know any better then I, a priori, of what ingredients
Nature compounds Metals and Minerals. For their Argument to prove that
those Bodies are made up of such Principles, is drawn a posteriori;
I mean from this, that upon the Analysis of Mineral bodies they are
resolv'd into those differing substances. That we may therefore
examine this Argument, Let us proceed to consider what can be alledg'd
in behalf of the Elements from the Resolutions of Bodies by the fire;
which you remember was the second Tophick [Transcriber's Note: Topick]
whence I told you the Arguments of my Adversaries were desum'd.
And that I may first dispatch what I have to say concerning Minerals,
I will begin the remaining part of my discourse with considering how
the fire divides them.
And first, I have partly noted above, that though Chymists pretend
from some to draw salt, from others running Mercury, and from others a
Sulphur; Yet they have not hitherto taught us by any way in us
[Errata: use] among them to separate any one principle, whether Salt,
Sulphur, or Mercury, from all sorts of Minerals without exception. And
thence I may be allow'd to conclude that there is not any of the
Elements that is an Ingredient of all Bodies, since there are some of
which it is not so.
In the next place, supposing that either Sulphur or Mercury were
obtainable from all sorts of Minerals. Yet still this Sulphur or
Mercury would be but a compounded, not an Elementary body, as I told
you already on another occasion. And certainly he that takes notice of
the wonderful Operations of Quicksilver, whether it be common, or
drawn from Mineral Bodies, can scarce be so inconsiderate as to think
it of the very same nature with that immature and fugitive substance
which in Vegetables and Animals Chymists have been pleas'd to call
their Mercury. So that when Mercury is got by the help of the fire out
of a metal or other Mineral Body, if we will not suppose that it was
not pre-existent in it, but produc'd by the action of the fire upon
the Concrete, we may at least suppose this Quicksilver to have been a
perfect Body of its own kind (though perhaps lesse heterogeneous then
more secundary mixts) which happen'd to be mingl'd per minima, and
coagulated with the other substances, whereof the Metal or Mineral
consisted. As may be exemplyfied partly by Native Vermillion wherein
the Quicksilver and Sulphur being exquisitely blended both with one
another, and that other course Mineral stuff (what ever it be) that
harbours them, make up a red body differing enough from both; and yet
from which part of the Quicksilver, and of the Sulphur, may be easily
enough obtain'd; Partly by those Mines wherein nature has so curiously
incorporated Silver with Lead, that 'tis extreamly difficult, and yet
possible, to separate the former out of the Latter. [Errata: latter;]
And partly too by native Vitriol, wherein the Metalline Corpuscles are
by skill and industry separable from the saline ones, though they be
so con-coagulated with them, that the whole Concrete is reckon'd among
And here I further observe, that I never could see any Earth or Water,
properly so call'd, separated from either Gold or Silver (to name now
no other Metalline Bodies) and therefore to retort the argument upon
my Adversaries, I may conclude, that since there are some bodies in
which, for ought appears, there is neither Earth nor Water. [Errata:
Water;] I may be allow'd to conclude that neither of those two is an
Universal Ingredient of all those Bodies that are counted perfectly
mixt, which I desire you would remember against Anon.
It may indeed be objected, that the reason why from Gold or Silver we
cannot separate any moisture, is, because that when it is melted out
of the Oare, the vehement Fire requisite to its Fusion forc'd away all
the aqueous and fugitive moisture; and the like fire may do from the
materials of Glass. To which I shall Answer, that I Remember I read
not long since in the Learned Josephus Acosta,[31] who relates it
upon his own observation; that in America, (where he long lived)
there is a kind of Silver which the Indians call Papas, and
sometimes (sayes he) they find pieces very fine and pure like to small
round roots, the which is rare in that metal, but usuall in Gold;
Concerning which metal he tells us, that besides this they find some
which they call Gold in grains, which he tells us are small morsels of
Gold that they find whole without mixture of any other metal, which
hath no need of melting or Refining in the fire.
[Footnote 31: Acosta Natural and Moral history of the Indies, L. 3.
c. 5, p. 212.]
I remember that a very skilful and credible person affirmed to me,
that being in the Hungarian mines he had the good fortune to see a
mineral that was there digg'd up, wherein pieces of Gold of the
length, and also almost of the bigness of a humane Finger, grew in the
Oar, as if they had been parts and Branches of Trees.
And I have my self seen a Lump of whitish Mineral, that was brought as
a Rarity to a Great and knowing Prince, wherein there grew here and
there in the Stone, which looked like a kind of sparr, divers little
Lumps of fine Gold, (for such I was assured that Tryal had manifested
it to be) some of them Seeming to be about the Bigness of pease.
But that is nothing to what our Acosta subjoynes, which is indeed
very memorable, namely, that of the morsels of Native and pure Gold,
which we lately heard him mentioning he had now and then seen some
that weighed many pounds;[32] to which I shall add, that I my self
have seen a Lump of Oar not long since digged up, in whose stony part
there grew, almost like Trees, divers parcels though not of Gold, yet
of (what perhaps Mineralists will more wonder at) another Metal which
seemed to be very pure or unmixt with any Heterogeneous Substances,
and were some of them as big as my Finger, if not bigger. But upon
Observations of this kind, though perhaps I could, yet I must not at
present dwell any longer.
[Footnote 32: See Acosta in the fore-cited Place, and the passage of
Pliny quoted by him.]
To proceed Therefore now (sayes Carneades) to the Consideration of
the Analysis of Vegetables, although my Tryals give me no cause to
doubt but that out of most of them five differing Substances may be
obtain'd by the fire, yet I think it will not be so easily
Demonstrated that these deserve to be call'd Elements in the Notion
above explain'd.
And before I descend to particulars, I shall repeat and premise this
General Consideration, that these differing substances that are call'd
Elements or Principles, differ not from each other as Metals, Plants
and Animals, or as such Creatures as are immediately produc'd each by
its peculiar Seed, and Constitutes a distinct propagable sort of
Creatures in the Universe; but these are only Various Schemes of
matter or Substances that differ from each other, but in consistence
(as Running Mercury and the same Metal congeal'd by the Vapor of
Lead) and some very few other accidents, as Tast, or Smel, or
Inflamability, or the want of them. So that by a change of Texture not
impossible to be wrought by the Fire and other Agents that have the
Faculty not only to dissociate the smal parts of Bodies, but
afterwards to connect them after a new manner, the same parcell of
matter may acquire or lose such accidents as may suffice to Denominate
it Salt, or Sulphur, or Earth. If I were fully to clear to you my
apprehensions concerning this matter, I should perhaps be obliged to
acquaint you with divers of the Conjectures (for I must yet call them
no more) I have had Concerning the Principles of things purely
Corporeal: For though because I seem not satisfi'd with the Vulgar
Doctrines, either of the Peripatetick or Paracelsian Schools, many of
those that know me, (and perhaps, among Them, Eleutherius himself)
have thought me wedded to the Epicurean Hypotheses, (as others have
mistaken me for an Helmontian;) yet if you knew how little
Conversant I have been with Epicurean Authors, and how great a part
of Lucretius himself I never yet had the Curiosity to read, you
would perchance be of another mind; especially if I were to entertain
you at large, I say not, of my present Notions; but of my former
thoughts concerning the Principles of things. But, as I said above,
fully to clear my Apprehensions would require a Longer Discourse than
we can now have.
For, I should tell you that I have sometimes thought it not unfit,
that to the Principles which may be assign'd to things, as the World
is now Constituted, we should, if we consider the Great Mass of matter
as it was whilst the Universe was in making, add another, which may
Conveniently enough be call'd an Architectonick Principle or power; by
which I mean those Various Determinations, and that Skilfull Guidance
of the motions of the small parts of the Universal matter by the most
wise Author of things, which were necessary at the beginning to turn
that confus'd Chaos into this Orderly and beautifull World; and
Especially, to contrive the Bodies of Animals and Plants, and the
Seeds of those things whose kinds were to be propagated. For I confess
I cannot well Conceive, how from matter, Barely put into Motion, and
then left to it self, there could Emerge such Curious Fabricks as the
Bodies of men and perfect Animals, and such yet more admirably
Contriv'd parcels of matter, as the seeds of living Creatures.
I should likewise tell you upon what grounds, and in what sence, I
suspected the Principles of the World, as it now is, to be Three,
Matter, Motion and Rest. I say, as the World now is, because
the present Fabrick of the Universe, and especially the seeds of
things, together with the establisht Course of Nature, is a Requisite
or Condition, upon whose account divers things may be made out by our
three Principles, which otherwise would be very hard, if possible, to
I should moreover declare in general (for I pretend not to be able to
do it otherwise) not only why I Conceive that Colours, Odors, Tasts,
Fluidness and Solidity, and those other qualities that Diversifie and
Denominate Bodies may Intelligibly be Deduced from these three; but
how two of the Three Epicurean Principles (which, I need not tell,
you [Transcriber's Note: tell you,] are Magnitude, Figure and Weight)
are Themselves Deducible from Matter and Motion; since the Latter of
these Variously Agitating, and, as it were, Distracting the Former,
must needs disjoyne its parts; which being Actually separated must
Each of them necessarily both be of some Size, and obtain some shape
or other. Nor did I add to our Principles the Aristotelean
Privation, partly for other Reasons, which I must not now stay to
insist on; and partly because it seems to be rather an Antecedent, or
a Terminus a quo, then a True Principle, as the starting-Post is
none of the Horses Legs or Limbs.
I should also explain why and how I made rest [Errata: Rest] to be,
though not so considerable a Principle of things, as Motion, yet a
Principle of them; partly because it is (for ought we know [Errata:
know)] as Ancient at least as it, and depends not upon Motion, nor any
other quality of matter; and partly, because it may enable the Body in
which it happens to be, both to continue in a State of Rest till some
external force put it out of that state, and to concur to the
production of divers Changes in the bodies that hit against it, by
either quite stopping or lessning their Motion (whilst the body
formerly at Rest Receives all or part of it into it self) or else by
giving a new Byass, or some other Modification, to Motion, that is, To
the Grand and Primary instrument whereby Nature produces all the
Changes and other Qualities that are to be met with in the World.
I should likewise, after all this, explain to you how, although
Matter, Motion and Rest, seem'd to me to be the Catholick Principles
of the Universe, I thought the Principles of Particular bodies might
be Commodiously enough reduc'd to two, namely Matter, and (what
Comprehends the two other, and their effects) the result or Aggregate
[Errata: Aggregate or complex] of those Accidents, which are the
Motion or Rest, (for in some Bodies both are not to be found) the
Bigness, Figure, Texture) [Errata: delete )] and the thence resulting
Qualities of the small parts) [Errata: delete )] which are necessary
to intitle the Body whereto they belong to this or that Peculiar
Denomination; and discriminating it from others to appropriate it to a
Determinate Kind of Things, as [Errata: (as] Yellowness, Fixtness,
such a Degree of Weight, and of Ductility, do make the Portion of
matter wherein they Concur, to be reckon'd among perfect metals, and
obtain the name of Gold.) Which [Errata: This] Aggregate or result of
Accidents you may, if You please, call either Structure or Texture.
[Errata: no paragraph break] Though [Errata: (Though] indeed, that do
not so properly Comprehend the motion of the constituent parts
especially in case some of them be Fluid [Errata: Fluid)], or what
other appellation shall appear most Expressive. Or if, retaining the
Vulgar Terme, You will call it the Forme of the thing it
denominates, I shall not much oppose it; Provided the word be
interpreted to mean but what I have express'd, and not a Scholastick
Substantial Forme, which so many intelligent men profess to be to
them altogether Un-intelligible.
But, sayes Carneades, if you remember that 'tis a Sceptick speaks to
you, and that 'tis not so much my present Talk to make assertions as
to suggest doubts, I hope you will look upon what I have propos'd,
rather as a Narrative of my former conjectures touching the principles
of things, then as a Resolute Declaration of my present opinions of
them; especially since although they cannot but appear Very much to
their Disadvantage, If you Consider Them as they are propos'd without
those Reasons and Explanations by which I could perhaps make them
appear much lesse extravagant; yet I want time to offer you what may
be alledg'd to clear and countenance these notions; my design in
mentioning them unto you at present being, partly, to bring some
Light and Confirmation to divers passages of my discourse to you;
partly to shew you, that I do not (as you seem to have suspected)
embrace all Epicurus his principles; but Dissent from him in some
main things, as well as from Aristotle and the Chymists, in others;
& partly also, or rather chiefly, to intimate to you the grounds
upon which I likewise differ from Helmont in this, that whereas he
ascribes almost all things, and even diseases themselves, to their
determinate Seeds; I am of opinion, that besides the peculiar
Fabricks of the Bodies of Plants and Animals (and perhaps also of some
Metals and Minerals) which I take to be the Effects of seminal
principles, there are many other bodies in nature which have and
deserve distinct and Proper names, but yet do but result from such
contextures of the matter they are made of, as may without determinate
seeds be effected by heat, cold, artificial mixtures and compositions,
and divers other causes which sometimes nature imployes of her own
accord; and oftentimes man by his power and skill makes use of to
fashion the matter according to his Intentions. This may be
exemplified both in the productions of Nature, and in those of Art; of
the first sort I might name multitudes; but to shew how sleight a
variation of Textures without addition of new ingredients may procure
a parcel of matter divers names, and make it be Lookt upon as
Different Things;
I shall invite you to observe with me, That Clouds, Rain, Hail, Snow,
Froth, and Ice, may be but water, having its parts varyed as to their
size and distance in respect of each other, and as to motion and
rest. And among Artificial Productions we may take notice (to skip the
Crystals of Tartar) of Glass, Regulus, Martis-Stellatus [Errata:
Regulus Martis Stellatus], and particularly of the Sugar of Lead,
which though made of that insipid Metal and sour salt of Vinager, has
in it a sweetnesse surpassing that of common Sugar, and divers other
qualities, which being not to be found in either of its two
ingredients, must be confess'd to belong to the Concrete it self, upon
the account of its Texture.
This Consideration premis'd, it will be, I hope, the more easie to
perswade you that the Fire may as well produce some new textures in a
parcel of matter, as destroy the old.
Wherefore hoping that you have not forgot the Arguments formerly
imploy'd against the Doctrine of the Tria prima; namely that the
Salt, Sulphur and Mercury, into which the Fire seems to resolve
Vegetable and Animal Bodies, are yet compounded, not simple and
Elementary Substances; And that (as appeared by the Experiment of
Pompions) the Tria prima may be made out of Water; hoping I say,
that you remember These and the other Things that I formerly
represented to the same purpose, I shall now add only, that if we
doubt not the Truth of some of Helmonts Relation [Errata:
Relations], We may well doubt whether any of these Heterogeneities be
(I say not pre-existent, so as to convene together, when a plant or
Animal is to be constituted but) so much as in-existent in the
Concrete whence they are obtain'd, when the Chymists [Errata: Chymist]
first goes about to resolve it; For not to insist upon the
un-inflamable Spirit of such Concretes, because that may be pretended
to be but a mixture of Phlegme and Salt; the Oyle or Sulphur of
Vegetables or Animals is, according to him, reducible by the help of
Lixiviate Salts into Sope; as that Sope is by the help of repeated
Distillations from a Caput Mortuum of Chalk into insipid Water. And
as for the saline substance that seems separable from mixt bodies; the
same Helmonts tryals[33] give us cause to think, That it may be a
production of the Fire, which by transporting and otherwise altering
the particles of the matter, does bring it to a Saline nature.
[Footnote 33: Omne autem Alcali addita pinguedine in aqueum liquorem,
qui tandem mera & simplex aqua fit, reducitur, (ut videre est in
Sapone, Lazurio lapide, &c.) quoties per adjuncta fixa semen
Pinguedinis deponit. Helmont.]
For I know (sayes he, in the place formerly alledg'd to another
purpose) a way to reduce all stones into a meer Salt of equal weight
with the stone whence it was produc'd, and that without any of the
least either Sulphur or Mercury; which asseveration of my Author would
perhaps seem less incredible to You, if I durst acquaint You with all
I could say upon that subject. And hence by the way you may also
conclude that the Sulphur and Mercury, as they call them, that
Chymists are wont to obtain from compound Bodies by the Fire, may
possibly in many Cases be the productions of it; since if the same
bodies had been wrought upon by the Agents employ'd by Helmont, they
would have yielded neither Sulphur nor Mercury; and those portions of
them which the Fire would have presented Us in the forme of
Sulphureous and Mercurial Bodies would have, by Helmonts method,
been exhibited to us in the form of Salt.
But though (sayes Eleutherius) You have alledg'd very plausible
Arguments against the tria Prima, yet I see not how it will be
possible for you to avoid acknowledging that Earth and Water are
Elementary Ingredients, though not of Mineral Concretes, yet of all
Animal and Vegetable Bodies; Since if any of these of what sort soever
be committed to Distillation, there is regularly and constantly
separated from it a phlegme or aqueous part and a Caput Mortuum or
I readily acknowledged (answers Carneades) it is not so easy to
reject Water and Earth (and especially the former) as 'tis to reject
the Tria Prima, from being the Elements of mixt Bodies; but 'tis not
every difficult thing that is impossible.
I consider then, as to Water, that the chief Qualities which make men
give that name to any visible Substance, are, that it is Fluid or
Liquid, and that it is insipid and inodorous. Now as for the tast of
these qualities, I think you have never seen any of those separated
substances that the Chymists call Phlegme which was perfectly devoyd
both of Tast and Smell: and if you object, that yet it may be
reasonably suppos'd, that since the whole Body is Liquid, the mass is
nothing but Elementary Water faintly imbu'd with some of the Saline or
Sulphureous parts of the same Concrete, which it retain'd with it
upon its Separation from the Other Ingredients. To this I answer, That
this Objection would not appear so stong [Transcriber's Note: strong]
as it is plausible, if Chymists understood the Nature of Fluidity and
Compactnesse; and that, as I formerly observ'd, to a Bodies being
Fluid there is nothing necessary, but that it be divided into parts
small enough; and that these parts be put into such a motion among
themselves as to glide some this way and some that way, along each
others Surfaces. So that, although a Concrete were never so dry, and
had not any Water or other Liquor in-existent in it, yet such a
Comminution of its parts may be made, by the fire or other Agents, as
to turn a great portion of them into Liquor. Of this Truth I will give
an instance, employ'd by our friend here present as one of the most
conducive of his experiments to Illustrate the nature of Salts. If you
Take, then, sea salt and melt it in the Fire to free it from the
aqueous parts, and afterward distill it with a vehement Fire from
burnt Clay, or any other, as dry a Caput mortuum as you please, you
will, as Chymists confess, [Errata: confesse (delete comma)] by
teaching it drive over a good part of the Salt in the form of a
Liquor. And to satisfy some ingenious men, That a great part of this
Liquor was still true sea salt brought by the Operation of the Fire
into Corpuscles so small, and perhaps so advantageously shap'd, as to
be capable of the forme of a Fluid Body, He did in my presence poure
to such spiritual salts a due proportion of the spirit (or salt and
Phlegme) of Urine, whereby having evaporated the superfluous moisture,
he soon obtain'd such another Concrete, both as to tast and smell, and
easie sublimableness as common Salt Armoniack, which you know is
made up of grosse and undistill'd sea salt united with the salts of
Urine and of Soot, which two are very neer of kin to each other. And
further, to manifest that the Corpuscles of sea salt and the Saline
ones of Urine retain their several Natures in this Concrete, He mixt
it with a convenient quantity of Salt of Tartar, and committing it to
Distillation soon regain'd his spirit of Urine in a liquid form by its
self, the Sea salt staying behind with the Salt of Tartar. Wherefore
it is very possible that dry Bodies may by the Fire be reduc'd to
Liquors without any separation of Elements, but barely by a certain
kind of Dissipation and Comminution of the matter, whereby its parts
are brought into a new state. And if it be still objected, that the
Phlegme of mixt Bodies must be reputed water, because so weak a tast
needs but a very small proportion of Salt to impart it; It may be
reply'd, that for ought appears, common Salt and divers other bodies,
though they be distill'd never so dry, and in never so close Vessels,
will yield each of them pretty store of a Liquor, wherein though (as I
lately noted) Saline Corpuscles abound, Yet there is besides a large
proportion of Phlegme, as may easily be discovered by coagulating the
Saline Corpuscles with any convenient Body; as I lately told you, our
Friend coagulated part of the Spirit of Salt with Spirit of Urine: and
as I have divers times separated a salt from Oyle of Vitriol it self
(though a very ponderous Liquor and drawn from a saline body) by
boyling it with a just quantity of Mercury, and then washing the newly
coagulated salt from the Precipitate with fair Water. Now to what can
we more probably ascribe this plenty of aqueous Substance afforded us
by the Distillation of such bodies, than unto this, That among the
various operations of the Fire upon the matter of a Concrete, divers
particles of that matter are reduc'd to such a shape and bignesse as
is requisite to compose such a Liquor as Chymists are wont to call
Phlegme or Water. How I conjecture this change may be effected, 'tis
neither necessary for me to tell you, nor possible to do so without a
much longer discourse then were now seasonable. But I desire you would
with me reflect upon what I formerly told you concerning the change of
Quicksilver into Water; For that Water having but a very faint tast,
if any whit more than divers of those liquors that Chymists referr to
Phlegme; By that experiment it seems evident, that even a metalline
body, and therefore much more such as are but Vegetable or Animal, may
by a simple operation of the Fire be turn'd in great part into Water.
And since those I dispute with are not yet able out of Gold, or
Silver, or divers other Concretes to separate any thing like Water; I
hope I may be allow'd to conclude against Them, that water it self is
not an Universal and pre-existent Ingredient of Mixt Bodies.
But as for those Chymists that, Supposing with me the Truth of what
Helmont relates of the Alkahest's wonderful Effects, have a right
to press me with his Authority concerning them, and to alledge that he
could Transmute all reputedly mixt Bodies into insipid and meer Water;
To those I shall represent, That though his Affirmations conclude
strongly against the Vulgar Chymists (against whom I have not
therefore scrupl'd to Employ Them) since they Evince that the Commonly
reputed Principles or Ingredients of Things are not Permanent and
indestructible, since they may be further reduc'd into Insipid Phlegme
differing from them all; Yet till we can be allow'd to examine this
Liquor, I think it not unreasonable to doubt whether it be not
something else then meer Water. For I find not any other reason given
by Helmont of his Pronouncing it so, then that it is insipid. Now
Sapour being an Accident or an Affection of matter that relates to our
Tongue, Palate, and other Organs of Tast, it may very possibly be,
that the small Parts of a Body may be of such a Size and Shape, as
either by their extream Littleness, or by their slenderness, or by
their Figure, to be unable to pierce into and make a perceptible
Impression upon the Nerves or Membranous parts of the Organs of Tast,
and what [Errata: yet] may be fit to work otherwise upon divers other
Bodies than meer Water can, and consequently to Disclose it self to be
of a Nature farr enough from Elementary. In Silke dyed Red or of any
other Colour, whilst many Contiguous Threads makes up a skein, the
Colour of the Silke is conspicuous; but if only a very few of them be
lookt upon, the Colour will appear much fainter then before. But if
You take out one simple Thread, you shall not easily be able to
discern any Colour at all; So subtile an Object having not the Force
to make upon the Optick Nerve an Impression great enough to be taken
Notice of. It is also observ'd, that the best sort of Oyl-Olive is
almost tastless, and yet I need not tell you how exceedingly distant
in Nature Oyle is from Water. The Liquor into which I told you, upon
the Relation of Lully, and [Errata: an] Eye-witness that Mercury
might be Transmuted, has sometimes but a very Languid, if any Tast,
and yet its Operations even upon some Mineral Bodies are very
peculiar. Quicksilver it self also, though the Corpuscles it consists
of be so very small as to get into the Pores of that Closest and
compactest of Bodies, Gold, is yet (you know) altogether Tastless. And
our Helmont several times tells us, that fair Water wherein a little
Quantity f [Errata: of] Quicksilver has lain for some time, though it
acquire no certain Tast or other sensible Quality from the
Quicksilver; Yet it has a power to destroy wormes in humane Bodies;
which he does much, but not causelessly extoll. And I remember, a
great Lady, that had been Eminent for her Beauty in Divers Courts,
confess'd to me, that this insipid Liquor was of all innocent washes
for the Face the best that she ever met with.
And here let me conclude my Discourse, concerning such waters or
Liquors as I have hitherto been examining, with these two
Considerations. Whereof the first is, That by reason of our being wont
to drink nothing but Wine, Bear, Cyder, or other strongly tasted
Liquors, there may be in several of these Liquors, that are wont to
pass for insipid Phlegme, very peculiar and Distinct, Tasts [Errata:
distinct Tasts] though unheeded (and perhaps not to be perceiv'd) by
Us. For to omit what Naturalists affirm of Apes, (and which probably
may be true of divers other Animals) that they have a more exquisite
palate than Men: among Men themselves, those that are wont to drink
nothing but water may (as I have try'd in my self) Discern very
sensibly a great Difference of Tasts in several waters, which one
un-accustomed to drink water would take to be all alike insipid. And
this is the first of my two Considerations; the Other is, That it
is not impossible that the Corpuscles into which a body is dissipated
by the Fire may by the Operation of the same fire have their figures
so altered, or may be by associations with one another brought into
little Masses of such a Size and Shape, as not to be fit to make
sensible Impressions on the Tongue. And that you may not think such
alterations impossible, be pleased to consider with me, that not only
the sharpest Spirit of Vinager having dissolved as much Corall as it
can, will Coagulate with it into a Substance, which though soluble in
water, like salt, is incomparably less strongly Tasted then the
Vinager was before; but (what is more considerable) though the Acid
salts that are carried up with Quicksilver in the preparation of
common sublimate are so sharp, that being moistened with water it will
Corrode some of the Metals themselves; yet this Corrosive Sublimate
being twice or thrice re-sublim'd with a full proportion of insipid
Quicksilver, Constitutes (as you know) that Factitious Concrete, which
the Chymists call Mercurius dulcis; not because it is sweet, but
because the sharpness of the Corrosive Salts is so taken away by their
Combination with the Mercurial Corpuscles, that the whole mixture when
it is prepar'd is judg'd to be insipid.
And thus (continues Carneades) having given you some Reasons why I
refuse to admit Elementary water for a constant Ingredient of Mixt
Bodies, It will be easie for me to give you an Account why I also
reject Earth.
For first, it may well be suspected that many Substances pass among
Chymists under the name of Earth, because, like it, they are Dry, and
Heavy, and Fixt, which yet are very farr from an Elementary Nature.
This you will not think improbable, If you recall to mind what I
formerly told you concerning what Chymists call the Dead Earth of
things, and especially touching the copper to be drawn from the Caput
Mortuum of Vitriol; And if also you allow me to subjoyn a casual but
memorable Experiment made by Johannes Agricola upon the Terra
Damnata of Brimstone. Our Author then tells us (in his notes upon
Popius [Transcriber's Note: Poppius],) that in the year 1621 he made
an Oyle of Sulphur; the remaining Fæces he reverberated in a
moderate Fire fourteen dayes; afterwards he put them well luted up in
a Wind Oven, and gave them a strong Fire for six hours, purposing to
calcine the Fæces to a perfect Whiteness, that he might make
someting [Transcriber's Note: something] else out of them. But coming
to break the pot, he found above but very little Fæces, and those
Grey and not White; but beneath there lay a fine Red Regulus which
he first marvell'd at and knew not what to make of, being well assured
that not the least thing, besides the Fæces of the Sulphur, came
into the pot; and that the Sulphur it self had only been dissolv'd in
Linseed Oyle; this Regulus he found heavy and malleable almost as
Lead; having caus'd a Goldsmith to draw him a Wire of it, he found it
to be of the Fairest copper, and so rightly colour'd, that a Jew of
Prague offer'd him a great price for it. And of this Metal he sayes
he had 12 loth (or six ounces) out of one pound of Ashes or Fæces.
And this Story may well incline us to suspect that since the Caput
Mortuum of the Sulphur was kept so long in the fire before it was
found to be any thing else then a Terra damnata, there may be divers
other Residences of Bodies which are wont to pass only for the
Terrestrial Fæces of things, and therefore to be thrown away as soon
as the Distillation or Calcination of the Body that yielded them is
ended; which yet if they were long and Skilfully examin'd by the fire
would appear to be differing from Elementary Earth. And I have taken
notice of the unwarrantable forwardness of common Chymists to
pronounce things useless Fæces, by observing how often they reject
the Caput Mortuum of Verdegrease; which is yet so farr from
deserving that Name, that not only by strong fires and convenient
Additaments it may in some hours be reduc'd into copper, but with a
certain Flux Powder I sometimes make for Recreation, I have in two or
three minutes obtain'd that Metal from it. To which I may add, that
having for tryall sake kept Venetian Taclk [Errata: Talck] in no less
a heat than that of a glass Furnace, I found after all the Brunt of
the fire it had indur'd, the remaining Body though brittle and
discolour'd, had not lost very much of its former Bulke, and seem'd
still to be nearer of kin to Talck than to meer Earth. And I remember
too, that a candid Mineralist, famous for his Skill in trying of Oars,
requesting me one day to procure him a certain American Mineral
Earth of a Virtuoso, who he thought would not refuse me; I enquir'd
of him why he seem'd so greedy of it: he confess'd to me that this
Gentleman having brought that Earth to the publick Say-Masters; and
they upon their being unable by any means to bring it to fusion or
make it fly away, he (the Relator) had procur'd a little of it; and
having try'd it with a peculiar Flux separated from it neer a third
part of pure Gold; so great mistakes may be committed in hastily
concluding things to be Uselesse Earth.
Next, it may be suppos'd, That as in the Resolution of Bodies by the
Fire some of the dissipated Parts may, by their various occursion
occasion'd by the heat, be brought to stick together so closely as to
constitute Corpuscles too heavy for the Fire to carry away; the
aggregate of which Corpuscles is wont to be call'd Ashes or Earrh
[Errata: Earth]; So other Agents may resolve the Concrete into Minute
Parts, after so differing a manner as not to produce any Caput
mortuum, or dry and heavy Body. As you may remember Helmont above
inform'd us, that with his great Dissolvent he divided a Coal into two
liquid and volatile Bodies, æquiponderant to the Coal, without any dry
or fixt Residence at all.
And indeed, I see not why it should be necessary that all Agents that
resolve Bodies into portions of differingly qualifi'd matter must
work on them the same way, and divide them into just such parts, both
for nature and Number, as the Fire dissipates them into. For since, as
I noted before, the Bulk and shape of the small Parts of bodies,
together with their Fitness and Unfitness to be easily put into
Motion, may make the liquors or other substances such Corpuscles
compose, as much to differ from each other as do some of the Chymical
principles: Why may not something happen in this case, not unlike what
is usuall in the grosser divisions of bodies by Mechanical
Instruments? Where we see that some Tools reduce Wood, for Instance,
into darts [Errata: parts] of several shapes, bignesse, and other
qualities, as Hatchets and Wedges divide it into grosser parts; some
more long and slender, as splinters; and some more thick and
irregular, as chips; but all of considerable bulk; but Files and Saws
makes a Comminution of it into Dust; which, as all the others, is of
the more solid sort of parts; whereas others divide it into long and
broad, but thin and flexible parts, as do Planes: And of this kind
of parts it self there is also a variety according to the Difference
of the Tools employ'd to work on the Wood; the shavings made by the
plane being in some things differing from those shives or thin and
flexible pieces of wood that are obtain'd by Borers, and these from
some others obtainable by other Tools. Some Chymical Examples
applicable to this purpose I have elsewhere given you. To which I may
add, that whereas in a mixture of Sulphur and Salt of Tartar well
melted and incorporated together, the action of pure spirit of wine
digested on it is to separate the sulphureous from the Alcalizate
Parts, by dissolving the former and leaving the latter, the action of
Wine (probably upon the score of its copious Phlegme) upon the same
mixture is to divide it into Corpuscles consisting of both Alcalizate
and Sulphureous Parts united. And if it be objected, that this is but
a Factitious Concrete; I answer, that however the instance may serve
to illustrate what I propos'd, if not to prove it; and that Nature her
self doth in the bowels of the Earth make Decompounded Bodies, as we
see in Vitriol, Cinnaber, and even in Sulphur it self; I will not urge
that the Fire divides new Milk into five differing Substances; but
Runnet and Acid Liquors divide it into a Coagulated matter and a thin
Whey: And on the other side churning divides it into Butter and
Butter-milk, which may either of them be yet reduc'd to other
substances differing from the former. I will not presse this, I say,
nor other instances of this Nature, because I cannot in few words
answer what may be objected, that these Concretes sequestred without
the help of the Fire may by it be further divided into Hypostatical
Principles. But I will rather represent, That whereas the same spirit
of Wine will dissociare [Transcriber's Note: dissociate] the Parts of
Camphire, and make them one Liquor with it self; Aqua Fortis will
also disjoyn them, and put them into motion; but so as to keep them
together, and yet alter their Texture into the form of an Oyle. I know
also an uncompounded Liquor, that an extraordinary Chymist would not
allow to be so much as Saline, which doth (as I have try'd) from Coral
it self (as fixt as divers judicious writers assert that Concrete to
be) not only obtain a noble Tincture, Without the Intervention of
Nitre or other Salts; but will carry over the Tincture in
Distillation. And if some reasons did not forbid me, I could now tell
you of a Menstruum I make my self, that doth more odly dissociate
the parts of Minerals very fixt in the fire. So that it seems not
incredible, that there may be some Agent or way of Operation found,
whereby this or that Concrete, if not all Firme Bodies, may be
resolv'd into parts so very minute and so unapt to stick close to one
another, that none of them may be fixt enough to stay behind in a
strong Fire, and to be incapable of Distillation; nor consequently to
be look'd upon as Earth. But to return to Helmont, the same Authour
somewhere supply's me with another Argument against the Earth's being
such an Element as my Adversaries would have it. For he somewhere
affirms, that he can reduce all the Terrestrial parts of mixt bodies
into insipid water; whence we may argue against the Earths being one
of their Elements, even from that Notion of Elements which you may
remember Philoponus recited out of Aristotle himself, when he
lately disputed for his Chymists against Themistius. And here we
may on this occasion consider, that since a Body from which the Fire
hath driven away its looser parts is wont to be look'd upon as Earth,
upon the Account of its being endow'd with both these qualities,
Tastlessenesse and Fixtnesse, (for Salt of Tartar though Fixt passes
not among the Chymists for Earth, because 'tis strongly Tasted) if it
be in the power of Natural Agents to deprive the Caput Mortuum of a
body of either of those two Qualities, or to give them both to a
portion of matter that had them not both before, the Chymists will not
easily define what part of a resolv'd Concrete is earth, and make out,
that that Earth is a primary, simple, and indestructible Body. Now
there are some cases wherein the more skilful of the Vulgar Chymists
themselves pretend to be able, by repeated Cohobations and other fit
Operations, to make the Distilled parts of a Concrete bring its own
Caput Mortuum over the Helme, in the forme of a Liquor; in which
state being both Fluid and Volatile, you will easily believe it would
not be taken for Earth. And indeed by a skilful, but not Vulgar, way
of managing some Concretes, there may be more effected in this kind,
then you perhaps would easily think. And on the other side, that
either Earth may be Generated, or at least Bodies that did not before
appear to be neer Totally Earth, may be so alter'd as to pass for it,
seems very possible, if Helmont[34] have done that by Art which he
mentions in several places; especially where He sayes that he knowes
wayes whereby Sulphur once dissolv'd is all of it fix'd into a
Terrestrial Powder; and the whole Bodie of Salt-Petre may be turn'd
into Earth: Which last he elsewhere sayes is Done by the Odour only of
a certain Sulphureous Fire. And in another place He mentions one way
of doing this, which I cannot give you an Account of; because the
Materialls I had prepar'd for Trying it, were by a Servants mistake
unhappily thrown away.
[Footnote 34: Novi item modos quibus totum Salpetiæ [Errata:
sal-petræ] in terram convertitur, totumque Sulphur semel dissolutum
fixetur in Pulvearem terreum. Helmont in Compl. atque Mist. Elementor.
Sect. 24.]
And these Last Arguments may be confirm'd by the Experiment I have
often had occasion to mention concerning the Mint I produc'd out of
Water. And partly by an Observation of Rondeletius concerning the
Growth of Animals also, Nourish'd but by Water, which I remember'd not
to mention, when I discours'd to you about the Production of things
out of Water. This Diligent Writer then in his instructive book of
fishes,[35] affirmes That his Wife kept a fish in a Glass of water
without any other Food for three years; in which space it was
constantly augmented, till at last it could not come out of the Place
at which it was put in, and at length was too big for the glass it
self though that were of a large capacity. And because there is no
just reason to doubt, that this Fish, if Distill'd, would have yielded
the like differing substances with other Animals: And However, because
the Mint which I had out of water afforded me upon Distillation a good
quantity of Charcoal, I think I may from thence inferr, that Earth it
self may be produc'd out of Water; or if you please, that water may be
transmuted into Earth; and consequently, that though it could be
prov'd that Earth is an Ingredient actually in-existent in the
Vegetable and Animal Bodies whence it may be obtain'd by Fire: yet it
would not necessarily follow, that Earth as a pre-existent Element
Does with other Principles convene to make up those Bodies whence it
seems to have been separated.
[Footnote 35: Lib. 1. cap. 2.]
After all is said (sayes Eleutherius) I have yet something to
Object, that I cannot but think considerable, since Carneades
Himself alledg'd it as such; for, (continues Eleutherius smiling) I
must make bold to try whether you can as luckily answer your own
Arguments, as those of your Antagonists, I mean (pursues he) that part
of your Concessions, wherein you cannot but remember that you supply'd
your Adversaries with an Example to prove that there may be Elementary
Bodies, by taking Notice that Gold may be an Ingredient in a multitude
of differing Mixtures, and yet retain its Nature, notwithstanding all
that the Chymists by their Fires and Corrosive Waters are able to do
to Destroy it.
I sufficiently intimated to you at that time (replies Carneades)
that I propos'd this Example, chiefly to shew you how Nature may be
Conceived to have made Elements, not to prove that she actually has
made any; And you know, that a posse ad esse the Inference will not
hold. But (continues Carneades) to answer more directly to the
Objection drawn from Gold, I must tell You, that though I know very
well that divers of the more sober Chymists have complain'd of the
Vulgar Chymists, as of Mountebanks or Cheats, for pretending so
vainly, as hitherto they have done, to Destroy Gold; Yet I know a
certain Menstruum (which our Friend has made, and intends shortly to
communicate to the Ingenious) of so piercing and powerfull a Quality,
That if notwithstanding much care, and some skill, I did not much
deceive myself, I have with it really destroy'd even refin'd Gold, and
brought it into a Metalline Body of another colour and Nature, as I
found by Tryals purposely made. And if some just Considerations did
not for the present Forbid it, I could Perchance here shew you by
another Experiment or Two of my own Trying, that such Menstruums may
be made as to entice away and retain divers parts, from Bodies, which
even the more Judicious and Experienc'd Spagyrists have pronounc'd
irresoluble by the Fire. Though (which I Desire you would mark) in
neither of these Instances, the Gold or Precious Stones be Analys'd
into any of the Tria Prima, but only Reduc'd to new Concretes. And
indeed there is a great Disparity betwixt the Operations of the
several Agents whereby the Parts of a Body come to be Dissipated. As
if (for Instance) you dissolve the purer sort of Vitriol in common
Water, the Liquor will swallow up the Mineral, and so Dissociate its
Corpuscles, that they will seem to make up but one Liquor with those
of the water; and yet each of these Corpuscles retains its Nature and
Texture, and remains a Vitriolate and Compounded Body. But if the same
Vitriol be exposed to a strong Fire, it will then be divided not only,
as before, into smaller parts, but into Heterogeneous Substances, each
of the Vitriolate Corpuscles that remain'd entire in the water, being
it self upon the Destruction of its former Texture dissipated or
divided into new Particles of differing Qualities. But Instances more
fitly applicable to this purpose, I have already given you. Wherefore
to return to what I told you about the Destruction of Gold, that
Experiment Invites me to Represent to you, that Though there were
either Saline, or Sulphureous, or Terrestrial Portions of Matter,
whose parts were so small, so firmly united together, or of a figure
so fit to make them cohere to one another, (as we see that in
quicksilver broken into little Globes, the Parts brought to touch one
another do immediately re-imbody) that neither the Fire, nor the usual
Agents employ'd by Chymists, are pierceing enough to divide their
Parts, so as to destroy the Texture of the single Corpuscles; yet it
would not necessarily follow, That such Permanent Bodies were
Elementary, since tis possible there may be Agents found in Nature,
some of whose parts may be of such a Size and Figure as to take better
Hold of some parts of these seemingly Elementary Corpuscles than these
parts do of the rest, and Consequently may carry away such parts with
them, and so dissolve the Texture of the Corpuscle by pulling its
parts asunder. And if it be said, that at least we may this way
discover the Elementary Ingredients of Things, by observing into what
Substances these Corpuscles that were reputed pure are divided; I
answer, that it is not necessary that such a Discovery should be
practicable. For if the Particles of the Dissolvent do take such firme
hold of those of the Dissolved Body, they must constitute together new
Bodies, as well as Destroy the Old; and the strickt Union, which
according to this Hypothesis may well be suppos'd betwixt the Parts
of the Emergent Body, will make it as Little to be Expected that they
should be pull'd asunder, but by little Parts of matter, that to
Divide them Associate Themselves and stick extreamly close to those of
them which they sever from their Former Adherents. Besides that it is
not impossible, that a Corpuscle suppos'd to be Elementary may have
its Nature changed, without suffering a Divorce of its parts, barely
by a new Texture Effected by some powerfull Agent; as I formerly told
you, the same portion of matter may easily by the Operation of the
Fire be turn'd at pleasure into the form of a Brittle and Transparent,
or an Opacous and Malleable Body.
And indeed, if you consider how farr the bare Change of Texture,
whether made by Art or Nature (or rather by Nature with or without the
assistance of man) can go in producing such New Qualities in the same
parcel of matter, and how many inanimate Bodies (such as are all the
Chymical productions of the Fire) we know are Denominated and
Distinguish'd not so much by any Imaginary Substantial Form, as by the
aggregate of these Qualities. If you consider these Things, I say, and
that the varying of either the figure, or the Size, or the Motion, or
the Situation, or Connexion of the Corpuscles whereof any of these
Bodies is compos'd, may alter the Fabrick of it, you will possibly be
invited to suspect, with me, that there is no great need that Nature
should alwayes have Elements before hand, whereof to make such Bodies
as we call mixts. And that it is not so easie as Chymists and others
have hitherto Imagin'd, to discern, among the many differing
Substances that may without any extraordinary skill be obtain'd from
the same portion of matter, Which ought to be esteemed exclusively to
all the rest, its in-existent Elementary Ingredients; much lesse to
determine what Primogeneal and Simple Bodies convened together to
compose it. To exemplify this, I shall add to what I have already on
several occasions Represented, but this single instance.
You may remember (Eleutherius) that I formerly intimated to you,
that besides Mint and Pompions, I produced divers other Vegetables of
very differing Natures out of Water. Wherefore you will not, I
presume, think it incongruous to suppose, that when a slender
Vine-slip is set into the ground, and takes root, there it may
likewise receive its Nutriment from the water attracted out of the
earth by his roots, or impell'd by the warm'th of the sun, or pressure
of the ambient air into the pores of them. And this you will the more
easily believe, if you ever observ'd what a strange quantity of Water
will Drop out of a wound given to the Vine, in a convenient place, at
a seasonable time in the Spring; and how little of Tast or Smell this
Aqua Vitis, as Physitians call it, is endow'd with, notwithstanding
what concoction or alteration it may receive in its passage through
the Vine, to discriminate it from common Water. Supposing then this
Liquor, at its first entrance into the roots of the Vine, to be common
Water; Let Us a little consider how many various Substances may be
obtain'd from it; though to do so, I must repeat somewhat that I had a
former occasion to touch upon. And first, this Liquor being Digested
in the plant, and assimilated by the several parts of it, is turn'd
into the Wood, Bark, Pith, Leaves, &c. of the Vine; The same Liquor
may be further dry'd, and fashon'd into Vine-buds, and these a while
after are advanced unto sour Grapes, which express'd yield Verjuice, a
Liquor very differing in several qualities both from Wine and other
Liquors obtainable from the Vine: These soure Grapes being by the heat
of the Sun concocted and ripened, turne to well tasted Grapes; These
if dry'd in the Sun and Distill'd, afford a fætid Oyle and a piercing
Empyreumatical Spirit, but not a Vinous Spirit; These dry'd Grapes
or Raisins boyl'd in a convenient proportion of Water make a sweet
Liquor, which being betimes distill'd afford an Oyle and Spirit much
like those of the Raisins themselves; If the juice of the Grapes be
squeez'd out and put to Ferment, it first becomes a sweet and turbid
Liquor, then grows lesse sweet and more clear, and then affords in
common Distillations not an Oyle but a Spirit, which, though
inflamable like Oyle, differs much from it, in that it is not fat, and
that it will readily mingle with Water. I have likewise without
Addition obtain'd in processe of time (and by an easie way which I am
ready to teach you) from one of the noblest sorts of Wine, pretty
store of pure and curiously figured Crystals of Salt, together with a
great proportion of a Liquor as sweet almost as Hony; and these I
obtained not from Must, but True and sprightly Wine; besides the
Vinous Liquor, the fermented Juice of Grapes is partly turned into
liquid Dregs or Leeze, and partly into that crust or dry feculancy
that is commonly called Tartar; and this Tartar may by the Fire be
easily divided into five differing substances; four of which are not
Acid, and the other not so manifestly Acid as the Tartar it self; The
same Vinous Juice after some time, especially if it be not carefully
kept, Degenerates into that very sour Liquor called Vinegar; from
which you may obtain by the Fire a Spirit and a Crystalline Salt
differing enough from the Spirit and Lixiviate Salt of Tartar. And if
you pour the Dephlegm'd Spirit of the Vinegar upon the Salt of Tartar,
there will be produc'd such a Conflict or Ebullition as if there were
scarce two more contrary Bodies in Nature; and oftentimes in this
Vinager you may observe part of the matter to be turned into an
innumerable company of swimming Animals, which our Friend having
divers years ago observed, hath in one of his Papers taught us how to
discover clearly without the help of a Microscope.
Into all these various Schemes of matter, or differingly Qualifyed
Bodies, besides divers others that I purposely forbear to mention, may
the Water that is imbib'd by the roots of the Vine be brought, partly
by the formative power of the plant, and partly by supervenient Agents
or Causes, without the visible concurrence of any extraneous
Ingredient; but if we be allowed to add to the Productions of this
transmuted Water a few other substances, we may much encrease the
Variety of such Bodies; although in this second sort of Productions,
the Vinous parts seem scarce to retain any thing of the much more
fix'd Bodies wherewith they were mingl'd; but only to have by their
Mixture with them acquir'd such a Disposition, that in their recess
occasion'd by the Fire they came to be alter'd as to shape, or
Bigness, or both, and associated after a New manner. Thus, as I
formerly told you, I did by the Addition of a Caput Mortuum of
Antimony, and some other Bodies unfit for Distillation, obtain from
crude Tartar, store of a very Volatile and Crystalline Salt, differing
very much in smell and other Qualities from the usuall salts of
But (sayes Eleutherius, interrupting him at these Words) if you have
no restraint upon you, I would very gladly before you go any further,
be more particularly inform'd, how you make this Volatile Salt,
because (you know) that such Multitudes of Chymists have by a scarce
imaginable Variety of wayes, attempted in Vain the Volatilization of
the Salt of Tartar, that divers learned Spagyrists speak as if it
were impossible, to make any thing out of Tartar, that shall be
Volatile in a Saline Forme, or as some of them express it, in forma
sicca. I am very farr from thinking (answers Carneades) that the
Salt I have mention'd is that which Paracelsus and Helmont mean
when they speak of Sal Tartari Volatile, and ascribe such great
things to it. For the Salt I speak of falls extreamly short of those
Virtues, not seeming in its Tast, Smel, and other Obvious Qualities,
to differ very much (though something it do differ) from Salt of
Harts-horn, and other Volatile Salts drawn from the Distill'd Parts of
Animals. Nor have I yet made Tryals enough to be sure, that it is a
pure Salt of Tartar without participating any thing at all of the
Nitre, or Antimony. But because it seems more likely to proceed from
the Tartar, than from any of the other Ingredients, and because the
Experiment is in it self not Ignoble, and Luciferous enough (as
shewing a new way to produce a Volatile Salt contrary to Acid Salts
from Bodies that otherwise are Observ'd to yield no such Liquor, but
either only, or chiefly, Acid ones,) I shall, to satisfie you,
acquaint you before any of my other Friends with the way I now use
(for I have formerly us'd some others) to make it.
Take then of good Antimony, Salt-Petre and Tartar, of each an equal
weight, and of Quicklime Halfe the Weight of any one of them; let
these be powder'd and well mingl'd; this done, you must have in
readiness a long neck or Retort of Earth, which must be plac'd in a
Furnace for a naked Fire, and have at the top of it a hole of a
convenient Bigness, at which you may cast in the Mixture, and
presently stop it up again; this Vessel being fitted with a large
Receiver must have Fire made under it, till the bottom of the sides be
red hot, and then you must cast in the above prepar'd Mixture, by
about halfe a spoonfull (more or less) at a time, at the hole made for
that purpose; which being nimbly stopt, the Fumes will pass into the
Receiver and condense there into a Liquor, that being rectifi'd will
be of a pure golden Colour, and carry up that colour to a great
height; this Spirit abounds in the Salt I told you of, part of which
may easily enough be separated by the way I use in such cases, which
is, to put the Liquor into a glass Egg, or bolthead with a long and
narrow Neck. For if this be plac'd a little inclining in hot sand,
there will sublime up a fine Salt, which, as I told you, I find to be
much of kin to the Volatile Salts of Animals: For like them it has a
Saltish, not an Acid Salt; it hisses upon the Affusion of Spirit of
Nitre, or Oyle of Vitriol; it precipitates Corals Dissolv'd in Spirit
of Vinager; it turnes the blew Syrup of Violets immediately green; it
presently turnes the Solution of Sublimate into a Milkie whiteness;
and in summ, has divers Operations like those that I have observ'd in
that sort of Salts to which I have resembled it: and is so Volatile,
that for Distinction sake, I call it Tartari Fugitivus [Errata: Sal
Tartari Fugitivus]. What virtues it may have in Physick I have not yet
had the opportunity to Try; but I am apt to think they will not be
despicable. And besides that a very Ingenious Friend of mine tells me
he hath done great matters against the stone, with a Preparation not
very much Differing from ours, a very Experienc'd Germane Chymist
finding that I was unacquainted with the wayes of making this salt,
told me that in a great City in his Country, a noted Chymist prizes it
so highly, that he had a while since procur'd a Priviledge from the
Magistrates, that none but He, or by his Licence, should vent a Spirit
made almost after the same Way with mine, save that he leaves out one
of the Ingredients, namely the Quick-lime. But, continues Carneades,
to resume my Former Discourse where your Curiosity interrupted it;
Tis also a common practice in France to bury thin Plates of Copper
in the Marc (as the French call it) or Husks of Grapes, whence the
Juice has been squeez'd out in the Wine-press, and by this means the
more saline parts of those Husks working by little and little upon the
Copper, Coagulate Themselves with it into that Blewish Green Substance
we in English call Verdigrease. Of which I therefore take Notice,
because having Distill'd it in a Naked Fire, I found as I expected,
that by the Association of the Saline with the Metalline parts, the
former were so alter'd, that the Distill'd Liquor, even without
Rectification, seem'd by smell and Tast, strong almost like Aqua
Fortis, and very much surpassed the purest and most Rectifi'd Spirit
of Vinager that ever I made. And this Spirit I therefore ascribe to
the salt of the Husks alter'd by their Co-Mixture with the copper
(though the Fire afterwards Divorce and Transmute them) because I
found this later in the bottom of the Retort in the Forme of a
Crocus or redish powder: And because Copper is of too sluggish a
Nature to be forc'd over in close Vessels by no stronger a heat. And
that which is also somewhat Remarkable in the Destillation of good
Verdigrease, (or at least of that sort that I us'd) is this, that I
Never could observe that it yielded me any oyl, (unless a little black
slime which was separated in Rectification may pass for Oyle) though
both Tartar and Vinager, (especially the former) will by Destillation
yield a Moderate proportion of it. If likewise you pour Spirit of
Vinager upon Calcin'd Lead, the Acid Salt of the Liquor will by its
Commixture with the Metalline parts, though Insipid, acquire in a few
hours a more than Saccharine sweetness; and these Saline parts being
by a strong Fire Destill'd from the Lead wherewith they were imbody'd,
will, as I formerly also noted to a Different purpose, leave the Metal
behind them alter'd in some qualities from what it was, and will
themselves ascend, partly in the Forme of an unctuous Body or Oyle,
partly in that of Phlegme; but for the greatest part in the Forme of a
subtile Spirit, indow'd, besides divers new Qualities which I am not
now willing to take notice of, with a strong smell very much other
than that of Vinager, and a piercing tast quite differing both from
the Sowerness of the Spirit of Vinager, and the Sweetness of the Sugar
of Lead.
To be short, As the difference of Bodies may depend meerly upon that
of the schemes whereinto their Common matter is put; So the seeds of
Things, the Fire and the other Agents are able to alter the minute
parts of a Body (either by breaking them into smaller ones of
differing shapes, or by Uniting together these Fragments with the
unbroken Corpuscles, or such Corpuscles among Themselves) and the same
Agents partly by Altering the shape or bigness of the Constituent
Corpuscles of a Body, partly by driving away some of them, partly by
blending others with them, and partly by some new manner of connecting
them, may give the whole portion of matter a new Texture of its minute
parts; and thereby make it deserve a new and Distinct name. So that
according as the small parts of matter recede from each other, or work
upon each other, or are connected together after this or that
determinate manner, a Body of this or that denomination is produced,
as some other Body happens thereby to be alter'd or destroy'd.
Since then those things which Chymists produce by the help of the Fire
are but inanimate Bodies; since such fruits of the Chymists skill
differ from one another but in so few qualities that we see plainly
that by fire and other Agents we can employ, we can easily enough work
as great alterations upon matter, as those that are requisite to
change one of these Chymical Productions into another; Since the same
portion of matter may without being Compounded with any extraneous
Body, or at least Element, be made to put on such a variety of
formes, and consequently to be (successively) turn'd into so many
differing Bodies. And since the matter cloath'd with so many differing
formes was originally but water, and that in its passage thorow so
many transformations, it was never reduc'd into any of those
substances which are reputed to be the Principles or Elements of mixt
Bodies, except by the violence of the fire, which it self divides not
Bodies into perfectly simple or Elementary substances, but into new
Compounds; Since, I say, these things are so, I see not why we must
needs believe that there are any Primogeneal and simple Bodies, of
which as of Pre-exsistent Elements Nature is obliged to compound all
others. Nor do I see why we may not conceive that she may produce the
Bodies accounted mixt out of one another by Variously altering and
contriving their minute parts, without resolving the matter into any
such simple or Homogeneous substances as are pretended. Neither, to
dispatch, do I see why it should be counted absur'd [Transcriber's
Note: absurd] to think, that when a Body is resolv'd by the Fire into
its suppos'd simple Ingredients, those substances are not true and
proper Elements, but rather were, as it were, Accidentally produc'd by
the fire, which by Dissipating a Body into minute Parts does, if those
parts be shut up in Close Vessels, for the most part necessarily bring
them to Associate Themselves after another manner than before, and so
bring Them into Bodies of such Different Consistences as the Former
Texture of the Body, and Concurrent Circumstances make such disbanded
particles apt to Constitute; as experience shews us (and I have both
noted it, and prov'd it already) that as there are some Concretes
whose parts when dissipated by fire are fitted to be put into such
Schemes of matter as we call Oyle, and Salt, and Spirit; So there are
others, such as are especially the greatest part of Minerals, whose
Corpuscles being of another Size or figure, or perhaps contriv'd
another Way, will not in the Fire yield Bodies of the like
Consistences, but rather others of differing Textures; Not to mention,
that from Gold and some other Bodies, we see not that the Fire
separates any Distinct Substances at all; nor That even those Similar
Parts of Bodies which the Chymists Obtain by the Fire, are the
Elements whose names they bear, but Compound Bodies, upon which, for
their resemblance to them in consistence, or some other obvious
Quality, Chymists have been pleas'd to bestow such Appellations.
These last Words of Carneades being soon after follow'd by a noise
which seem'd to come from the place where the rest of the Company was,
he took it for a warning, that it was time for him to conclude or
break off his Discourse; and told his Friend; By this time I hope you
see, Eleutherius, that if Helmonts Experiments be true, it is no
absurdity to question whether that Doctrine be one, that doth not
assert Any Elements in the sence before explain'd. But because that,
as divers of my Arguments suppose the marvellous power of the
Alkahest in the Analyzing of Bodies, so the Effects ascrib'd to that
power are so unparallell'd and stupendious, that though I am not sure
but that there may be such an Agent, yet little less than [Greek:
autopsia] seems requisite to make a man sure there is. And
consequently I leave it to you to judge, how farre those of my
Arguments that are built upon Alkahestical Operations are weakned by
that Liquors being Matchless; and shall therefore desire you not to
think that I propose this Paradox that rejects all Elements, as an
Opinion equally probable with the former part of my discourse. For by
that, I hope, you are satisfied, that the Arguments wont to be brought
by Chymists, to prove That all Bodies consist of either Three
Principles, or Five, are far from being so strong as those that I have
employ'd to prove, that there is not any certain and Determinate
number of such Principles or Elements to be met with Universally in
all mixt Bodies. And I suppose I need not tell you, that these
Anti-Chymical Paradoxes might have been manag'd more to their
Advantage; but that having not confin'd my Curiosity to Chymical
Experiments, I who am but a young Man, and younger Chymist, can yet be
but slenderly furnished with them, in reference to so great and
difficult a Task as you impos'd upon me; Besides that, to tell you the
Truth, I durst not employ some even of the best Experiments I am
acquainted with, because I must not yet disclose them; but however, I
think I may presume that what I have hitherto Discoursed will induce
you to think, that Chymists have been much more happy in finding
Experiments than the Causes of them; or in assigning the Principles by
which they may best be explain'd. And indeed, when in the writings of
Paracelsus I meet with such Phantastick and Un-intelligible
Discourses as that Writer often puzzels and tyres his Reader with,
father'd upon such excellent Experiments, as though he seldom clearly
teaches, I often find he knew; me thinks the Chymists, in their
searches after truth, are not unlike the Navigators of Solomons
Tarshish Fleet, who brought home from their long and tedious Voyages,
not only Gold, and Silver, and Ivory, but Apes and Peacocks too; For
so the Writings of several (for I say not, all) of your Hermetick
Philosophers present us, together with divers Substantial and noble
Experiments, Theories, which either like Peacocks feathers make a
great shew, but are neither solid nor useful; or else like Apes, if
they have some appearance of being rational, are blemish'd with some
absurdity or other, that when they are Attentively consider'd, makes
them appear Ridiculous.
Carneades having thus finish'd his Discourse against the received
Doctrines of the Elements; Eleutherius judging he should not have
time to say much to him before their separation, made some haste to
tell him; I confess, Carneades, that you have said more in favour of
your Paradoxes then I expected. For though divers of the Experiments
you have mention'd are no secrets, and were not unknown to me, yet
besides that you have added many of your own unto them, you have laid
them together in such a way, and apply'd them to such purposes, and
made such Deductions From them, as I have not Hitherto met with.
But though I be therefore inclin'd to think, that Philoponus, had he
heard you, would scarce have been able in all points to defend the
Chymical Hypothesis against the arguments wherewith you have oppos'd
it; yet me thinks that however your Objections seem to evince a great
part of what they pretend to, yet they evince it not all; and the
numerous tryals of those you call the vulgar Chymists, may be allow'd
to prove something too.
Wherefore, if it be granted you that you have made it probable,
First, that the differing substances into which mixt Bodies are wont
to be resolved by the Fire are not of a pure and an Elementary nature,
especially for this Reason, that they yet retain so much of the nature
of the Concrete that afforded them, as to appear to be yet somewhat
compounded, and oftentimes to differ in one Concrete from Principles
of the same denomination in another:
Next, that as to the number of these differing substances, neither is
it precisely three, because in most Vegetable and Animal bodies Earth
and Phlegme are also to be found among their Ingredients; nor is there
any one determinate number into which the Fire (as it is wont to be
employ'd) does precisely and universally resolve all compound Bodies
whatsoever, as well Minerals as others that are reputed perfectly
Lastly, that there are divers Qualities which cannot well be refer'd
to any of these Substances, as if they primarily resided in it and
belong'd to it; and some other qualities, which though they seem to
have their chief and most ordinary residence in some one of these
Principles or Elements of mixt Bodies, are not yet so deducible from
it, but that also some more general Principles must be taken in to
explicate them.
If, I say, the Chymists (continues Eleutherius) be so Liberall as to
make you these three Concessions, I hope you will, on your part, be so
civil and Equitable as to grant them these three other propositions,
First, that divers Mineral Bodies, and therefore probably all the
rest, may be resolv'd into a Saline, a Sulphureous, and a Mercurial
part; And that almost all Vegetable and Animal Concretes may, if not
by the Fire alone, yet, by a skilfull Artist Employing the Fire as
his chief Instrument, be divided into five differing Substances, Salt,
Spirit, Oyle, Phlegme and Earth; of which the three former by reason
of their being so much more Operative than the Two Later, deserve to
be Lookt upon as the Three active Principles, and by way of Eminence
to be call'd the three principles of mixt bodies.
Next, that these Principles, Though they be not perfectly Devoid of
all Mixture, yet may without inconvenience be stil'd the Elements of
Compounded bodies, and bear the Names of those Substances which they
most Resemble, and which are manifestly predominant in them; and that
especially for this reason, that none of these Elements is Divisible
by the Fire into Four or Five differing substances, like the Concrete
whence it was separated.
Lastly, That Divers of the Qualities of a mixt Body, and especially
the Medical Virtues, do for the most part lodge in some One or Other
of its principles, and may Therefore usefully be sought for in That
Principle sever'd from the others.
And in this also (pursues Eleutherius) methinks both you and the
Chymists may easily agree, that the surest way is to Learn by
particular Experiments, what differing parts particular Bodies do
consist of, and by what wayes (either Actual or potential fire) they
may best and most Conveniently be Separated, as without relying too
much upon the Fire alone, for the resolving of Bodies, so without
fruitlessly contending to force them into more Elements than Nature
made Them up of, or strip the sever'd Principles so naked, as by
making Them Exquisitely Elementary to make them almost useless,
These things (subjoynes Eleu.) I propose, without despairing to see
them granted by you; not only because I know that you so much preferr
the Reputation of Candor before that of subtility, that your having
once suppos'd a truth would not hinder you from imbracing it when
clearly made out to you; but because, upon the present occasion, it
will be no disparagement to you to recede from some of your Paradoxes,
since the nature and occasion of your past Discourse did not oblige
you to declare your own opinions, but only to personate an Antagonist
of the Chymists. So that (concludes he, with a smile) you may now by
granting what I propose, add the Reputation of Loving the truth
sincerely to that of having been able to oppose it subtilly.
Carneades's haste forbidding him to answer this crafty piece of
flattery; Till I shal (sayes he) have an opportunity to acquaint you
with my own Opinions about the controversies I have been discoursing
of, you will not, I hope, expect I should declare my own sence of the
Arguments I have employ'd. Wherefore I shall only tell you thus much
at present; that though not only an acute Naturalist, but even I my
self could take plausible Exceptions at some of them; yet divers of
them too are such as will not perhaps be readily answer'd, and will
Reduce my Adversaries, at least, to alter and Reform their
Hypothesis. I perceive I need not minde you that the Objections I
made against the Quaternary of Elements and Ternary of Principles
needed not to be oppos'd so much against the Doctrines Themselves
(either of which, especially the latter, may be much more probably
maintain'd than hitherto it seems to have been, by those Writers for
it I have met with) as against the unaccurateness and the
unconcludingness of the Analytical Experiments vulgarly Relyed On to
Demonstrate them.
And therefore, if either of the two examin'd Opinions, or any other
Theory of Elements, shall upon rational and Experimental grounds be
clearly made out to me; 'Tis Obliging, but not irrational, in you to
Expect, that I shall not be so farr in Love with my Disquieting
Doubts, as not to be content to change them for undoubted truths. And
(concludes Carneades smiling) it were no great disparagement for a
Sceptick to confesse to you, that as unsatisfy'd as the past discourse
may have made you think me with the Doctrines of the Peripateticks,
and the Chymists, about the Elements and Principles, I can yet so
little discover what to acquiesce in, that perchance the Enquiries of
others have scarce been more unsatisfactory to me, than my own have
been to my self.
* * * * *
The Authors constant Absence from the Presse, whilst the former
Treatise was Printing, and the Nature of the Subject it self,
wherewith ordinary Composers are not wont to be at all acquainted,
will, 'tis hop'd, procure the Readers Excuse, till the next Edition,
if the Errata be somewhat numerous, and if among them there want not
some grosser mistakes, which yet are not the only Blemishes these
lines must take notice of and acknowledg; For the Author now perceives
that through the fault of those to whom he had committed the former
Treatise in loose Sheets, some Papers that belonged to it, have
altogether miscarryed. And though it have luckily enough happen'd, for
the most part, that the Omission of them does not marr the Cohærence
of the rest; yet till the next design'd Edition afford an
opportunity of inserting them, it is thought fit that the Printer
give notice of one Omission at the End of the first Dialogue; and that
to these Errata there be annex'd the ensuing sheet of Paper, that
was casually lost, or forgotten by him that should have put it into
the Presse; where it ought to have been inserted, in the 187. printed
Page, at the break, betwixt the words, [Nature] in the 13th. line,
and [But] in the next line after. Though it is to be noted here,
that by the mistake of the Printer, in some Books, the number of 187
is placed at the top of two somewhat distant pages; and in such copies
the following addition ought to be inserted in the latter of the two,
as followeth.
And on this occasion I cannot but take notice, that whereas
the great Argument which the Chymists are wont to employ to
vilify Earth and Water, and make them be look'd upon as
useless and unworthy to be reckon'd among the Principles of
Mixt Bodies, is, that they are not endow'd with Specifick
Properties, but only with Elementary qualities; of which
they use to speak very sleightingly, as of qualities
contemptible and unactive: I see no sufficient Reason for
this Practice of the Chymists: For 'tis confess'd that Heat
is an Elementary Quality, and yet that an almost innumerable
company of considerable Things are perform'd by Heat, is
manifest to them that duly consider the various Phænomena
wherein it intervenes as a principall Actor; and none ought
less to ignore or distrust this Truth then a Chymist. Since
almost all the operations and Productions of his Art are
performed chiefly by the means of Heat. And as for Cold it
self, upon whose account they so despise the Earth and
Water, if they please to read in the Voyages of our English
and Dutch Navigators in Nova Zembla and other Northern
Regions what stupendious Things may be effected by Cold,
they would not perhaps think it so despicable. And not to
repeat what I lately recited to You out of Paracelsus
himself, who by the help of an intense Cold teaches to
separate the Quintessence of Wine; I will only now observe
to You, that the Conservation of the Texture of many Bodies
both animate and inanimate do's so much depend upon the
convenient motion both of their own Fluid and Looser Parts,
and of the ambient Bodies, whether Air, Water, &c. that not
only in humane Bodies we see that the immoderate or
unseasonable coldness of the Air (especially when it finds
such Bodies overheated) do's very frequently discompose the
Oeconomie of them, and occasion variety of Diseases; but
in the solid and durable Body of Iron it self, in which one
would not expect that suddain Cold should produce any
notable change, it may have so great an operation, that if
you take a Wire, or other slender piece of steel, and having
brought it in the fire to a white heat, You suffer it
afterwards to cool leasurely in the Air, it will when it is
cold be much of the same hardnesse it was of before: Whereas
if as soon as You remove it from the fire, you plunge it
into cold water, it will upon the sudden Refrigeration
acquire a very much greater hardness then it had before;
Nay, and will become manifestly brittle. And that you may
not impute this to any peculiar Quality in the Water, or
other Liquor, or Unctuous matter, wherein such heated steel
is wont to be quenched that it may be temper'd; I know a
very skillful Tradesman, that divers times hardens steel by
suddenly cooling it in a Body that is neither a liquor, nor
so much as moist. A tryal of that Nature I remember I have
seen made. And however by the operation that Water has upon
steel quenched in it, whether upon the Account of its
coldness and moisture, or upon that of any other of its
qualities, it appears, that water is not alwaies so
inefficacious and contemptible a Body, as our Chymists would
have it passe for. And what I have said of the Efficacy of
Cold and Heat, might perhaps be easily enough carried
further by other considerations and experiments; were it not
that having been mention'd only upon the Bye, I must not
insist on it, but proceed to another Subject.